Not Tomorrow Yet

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Shaylee's POV

"Hey." A distant voice calls out

"Darlin'." The voice repeats before my eyes flutter open and my eyes fall on Daryl

"We're home." He tells me as I look around and remember I'm in the RV and I must've fallen asleep with my head in Daryl's lap and my legs are now in Abraham's lap

"Okay." I mutter before I let out a soft yawn and sit up

"Mornin', sunshine." Glenn smiles from his seat across from me

"Fuck off." I grumble as I stretch

"Sorry." I tell Abraham as I swing my legs out his lap

"I put 'em there. Don't be sorry." Abraham smiles at me

"I meant what I said." I tell him with a soft smile

"I wouldn't have just let you kick my shin if you weren't my little sister." He smirks at me

"I don't think we'd pick on each other the way we do or laugh together the way we do if you weren't my little sister." He adds

"I...uh, I always wanted a big brother." I tell him with a warm smile causing his smirk to turn into a smile, a big one

"C'mere." He says before he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side

"I always wanted a little sister." He mutters before pecking the top of my head and the RV comes to a stop in front of the pantry

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"And we can work with the Hilltop. Maggie hammered out a deal. We're gettin' food-- eggs, butter, fresh vegetables. But they're not just givin' it away. These Saviors, they almost killed Sasha, Daryl, and Abraham on the road. Now, sooner or later, they woulda found us, just like those Wolves did, just like Jesus did. They woulda killed someone or some of us. And then they would try to own us. And we would try to stop them. But by then, in that kind of fight, low on food, we could lose. This is the only way to be sure, as sure as we can get, that we win. And we have to win. We do this for the Hilltop, it's how we keep this place. It's how we feed this place. This needs to be a group decision. If anybody objects, here's your chance to say your piece." My dad tells us as Daryl drapes his arm over my shoulders and I look around the chapel for anyone who objects to the plan before Morgan stands up and we all look back at him

"You're sure we can do it?" Morgan asks

"We can beat 'em?" He asks

"What this group has done, what we've learned, what we've become, all of us-- yes, I'm sure." My dad tells him

"Then all we have to do is just tell 'em that." Morgan says

"Well, they don't-- they don't compromise." My dad tells him

"This isn't a compromise. It's a choice you give 'em. It's a way out, for them and for us." Morgan says

"We try and talk to the Saviors, we give up our advantage, our safety. No, we have to come for them before they come for us. We can't leave them alive." My dad tells him

"Where there's life, there's possibility." Morgan says

"Wha-- Of them hitting us!" My dad exclaims

"Hey, we're not trapped in this. None of you are trapped in this." Morgan tells us

"Morgan...they always come back." My dad says

"Come back when they're dead, too." Morgan says

"Yeah, we'll stop them. We have before." My dad says

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