An Eventful Year

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One Month Later

Ty's POV:
I sit silently as a middle-aged woman sits across from me, a notebook and pen laying on her lap.

Her frizzy blonde hair streaked with grey is tied into a pony tail. She wears a pink cardigan over a simple white t-shirt and jeans.

"Tyler Townsend." She reads aloud as I nod.

"I am Doctor Sylvia Smith. Sylvia will do just fine though. Now, would you like to tell me why you think you are here today?" Sylvia asks her voice calm and smooth as I take in my surroundings.

The room has pastel green walls, dark hardwood floors and a large white bookshelf on the wall by the door. I am seated on a black couch across from her deep evergreen chair.

"I have no idea." I scoff as she examines my cocky expression.

"Tyler, you may aswell save us both some time. Why do you honestly think you are here?" She repeats as I look up at her, staying perfectly silent.

"Okay then. I talked to your mother, Maddie, over the phone when she scheduled your appointment." She says.

"Apparently over the last year you have had repetitive angry outbursts and they have gotten worse in the last month. Do you have anything to say about that?" Sylvia asks.

"I haven't got an actual problem. I'm just a teenage boy, and I have no clue why I am here." I scowl leaning against the couch cusions.

"Okay Tyler. You don't believe you need to be here. That's perfectly normal. I deal with heaps of patients who feel the same way." She confesses calmly.

"Now, why don't you tell me about any big change that has happened this year?" Her question echos across the room.

"I'm sure Mum has already told you about what has happened." I grunt as she smiles slightly.

"That may be so, but I want to hear what you believe has happened." She replies.

"My Dad cheated with his nurse. Got her knocked up and proposed after dumping my Mum. My Mum then started going out with my baseball coach." I start to say.

"My brother and best friend got in a car accident and could have died.
She later nearly drowned to death. So yeah, it's been an eventful year." I state, spitting out the events quickly.

"Let's go over them one by one. Let's start with your Dad. How does it make you feel when you think about him and what he did?" She asks as I shake my head, laughing ironically.

"I hate him. I feel angry." I state as she nods her head.

"Is there anything else? You don't have to say anything." She says, allowing me to choose. Her soothing voice somehow makes me feel comforted.

"I'm scared." I breath, suppressing tears.

"Of what?" She asks quietly.

"Of becoming him. My whole childhood everyone compared me to him and now... I'm terrified I will never be able to appreciate what I have." I admit as tears start to drop down my cheeks.

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