Vent Writing (Esther Val)

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Esther cut into her thigh, standing in the bathroom mirror, breaking her year long streak. Blood trickled down her skin, she felt the painful sting of the small cloud shaped razor in her hand. She hurt Val. She deserved this. She didn't deserve Val, not at all. Esther wasn't good enough, the blue eyed girl was an awful wife. That's all she was really. The blood running down her thigh proved that more and more. She was too emotional to be a good wife. Too sensitive. Small things hurt her and she loses her mind.

Look at her now, that's proof enough, Val and the kids had gone out for something, Esther opted to stay home, claiming she didn't feel well.. which wasn't really a lie. She didn't feel well.. Val had almost canceled her plans and sent the kids alone, to tend to Esther, but she managed to bullshit enough excuses to send her wife with the kids. Esther loved their family.. her wife, their 4 kids, and even their kids' lovers who spent so much time at their house. Once Esther felt like she'd done enough damage to her thigh, she went downstairs to get something to eat.. something small, since she didn't wanna eat. She never did when she felt like this, but living with her wife made starving herself hard, Valencia always noticed. Always. She was just amazing like that.. she truly was amazing, the woman meant the world to her.

Esther could go on endlessly about her perfect princess. But this wasn't the best time. She shoved a strawberry marshmallow into her mouth and sighed- then the door creaked open. Shit. Esther was still in shorts- her wife would see- Shit shit- she bolted up the stairs to her and Val's room and closed the door behind her, sinking into the corner of the wall. She was shaking.. god..

Back downstairs, Val and the kids walked into the back door, leading to the kitchen. Delayza was the one who noticed the blood on the kitchen floor, she gasped softly, grabbing onto Meridia, her sister, who stood next to her. Niko noticed it too, smiling at the sight, and pointing at it, which is how Val noticed. The tall clown stood straighter and called out "Esther? We're home!" And she practically ran towards the stairs, following the trail and leaving the kids downstairs.

She got up to the room and gently opened the door, walking around to the side of the bed and seeing her wife sitting against the corner of the wall. She knelt down beside her, noticing her thigh, oh god.. "Esther baby.. what happened..?" She slowly pulled the woman into her arms. Esther just silently sobbed, she felt even worse knowing now her wife was worried about her. "I-I'm sorry Val" she sniffled, clinging to the front of the clown's dress. Val gently held her face "Darling, what caused this? I need you to tell me" Esther just shook her head in response, refusing.

Val grumped a little, scooping up Esther and moving them onto their bed "Esther is this because of last night?" The other woman stayed silent. "Okay.. well.. Yes, I was aggravated and a little hurt. But never enough to want you hurting yourself love.. gosh never. You mean too much to me." Esther sniffled "I-I'm sorry.. for everything.. I hurt you.. then I was the one who freaked out.. please don't hate me" she was still crying.. she was so pathetic. Val kisses her forehead "no baby.. it's alright... I forgive you, I'm never gonna hate you, I could never, now, let's get all cleaned up baby" she lifted Esther once more and carried her to the bathroom, setting her gently on the counter.

As she turned on the sink and waited for the water to run, she pulled a washcloth, some bandages, and a bottle of disinfectant out of the cabinet. Just the sight of the bottle made Esther squirm like a child "it's gonna sting though!" Val eyed her and rolled her deep purple eyes "you'll be fine my sweet" Esther let Val run a wet washcloth over her skin, cleaning the crimson liquid that had spilled from her leg. When she got to the point of needing to wipe her leg down with the alcohol Esther cringed and grabbed hold of Val's free hand, squeezing it as tight as she could. The clown just giggled and kissed her forehead again "almost done baby" when she finished she bandaged up her wife's leg, wrapping it tight but careful.

Finally, Esther was lifted from the counter, back into the safety of her wife's arms. The woman kissed all over the taller one's face. "I love you Val.." the clown blushed "I love you too my dear" she carried her back to their room, helping Esther out of her soft pink silk top and white shorts and into a thin pink nightgown. In return Esther helped her out of her wedding dress, untying and losing the back of the corset top and unzipping the rest. Val shimmied out of it and threw on her own black nightgown, sliding into the bed right next to her wife. The smaller girl crawled onto her chest and nuzzled herself into the same spot she always slept.

The clown giggled and smiled, kissing the top of her wife's head "there you go love.. everything's alright.. we're alright.. I still love you.. I'm not mad at you. I promise. You are a good wife.. everyone makes mistakes" both Val and Esther were in tears as they fell asleep together. They were both hurting. But they'd make it through. They weren't ever going through these things alone, and that's what mattered. They need each other.

(Kinda a vent/self comfort thing)

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