Kai - All About You

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Based on imagines imagines from imaginevampirediaries

Imagine being Kai's best friend but you're dating Damon and Kai can't help but get jealous & Imagine getting in an argument with Kai and you both just can't take the sexual tension and start making out roughly & Imagine convincing Kai to go play in the snow with you & Imagine being Kai's only weakness & Imagine being attack by a vampire and as you're dying, Kai finds you and holds you, begging for you to hang in there & Imagine Kai doing everything to protect you

(gif not mine!)


'I might only be a mere human but I can tell when you're watching me, you know,' I laughed, biting my lip as I flipped the streaks of bacon in the pan; scratching my bare leg with my foot.

'Is it a crime to watch someone as stunning as you swinging your hips like that every morning?' he whispered into my ear causing me to shiver.

'Well, when you put it like that...' I said, placing the spatula down on the side before turning round, coming face to chest with Damon who was looking down at me with a ghost of a smirk and lustful eyes. 'It sounds like you're blaming me for all your stalking tendencies.'

'Like I said, it's the hips,' he whispered, leaning down to brush a kiss against my lips. He pulled away with a slight frown; his smirk turning into a grin. 'You know, you can't snack whilst you cook,' he said, swiping his thumb across his lips before placing it in his mouth; a wicked look in his eyes.

I felt my eyes widen as my mouth dropped open slightly. Damon tilted his head. 'Is that expression for the accusation or how turned on you are right now?'

My eyes widened even more before I was suddenly lifted onto the nearby counter; Damon situated between my legs. 'Damon...' I laughed as he began to pepper kisses along my neck and collar bone. 'We can't! Not here-'

'Yes, please don't do that near the food. People actually have to eat things other than blood round here.' I jumped away from Damon who simply groaned in annoyance.

'Don't you have some place to be? Say, Portland?' Damon said, gritting his teeth as he moved away from me to the side, seeming to shield me from Kai.

'Well,' started Kai before he hopped onto the kitchen table; his arms on his knees. 'As you know, I've recently merged with my brother, God rest his soul, meaning that I've acquired...feelings.' Once the word slipped from his mouth, he gave a visible shudder. 'Now I can't seem to leave this crappy mystery town, get it? Mystic Falls? Mystery town?' He looked at both Damon and me with a grin like a child; me rolling my eyes whilst I bit my tongue to hold my smile, whilst Damon looked like he was ready to rip open his throat. 'Anyway, like I said, I can't seem to leave all because of these feelings that-'

'Get to the point,' Damon huffed.

Kai tilted his head slightly to the side so that I was in his line of view. 'What is it that you see in him, again?'

'Kai...' I said warning tone though it came out amused instead. Kai simply grinned at me before winking.

'I can't leave my best friend,' he finished, jumping up off the table before coming close to me and Damon. 'After all; she is the one who saved me from perdition.'

He leaned toward me to give me a kiss on the cheek before swiping 3 strips of bacon from the pan; his mouth making an 'o' shape due to the meat burning his fingers.

'Great well, I think she already knows how grateful you are,' Damon said cautiously as we both watched Kai lick his fingers from the grease of the bacon. 'Now you can leave.' Once he spoke, he turned to wrap his arms around my waist, giving me a lingering kiss on my lips before helping me down off the counter. 'I've got a special day planned for my girl and I don't need anyone ruining it.'

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