Kol - Drunk in Love

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Based off thevampirediariesimagines on tumblr:

Imagine Kol constantly teasing you about the obvious crush you have on him & Imagine Rebekah telling Kol that you like him & Imagine Kol deciding to stay the night when you are drunk so he can look after you and you wake up in his arms.

(gif not mine!)


'How is it that I always end up being roped into one of your sadistic plans of killing someone?' I asked with a fake smile on my lips as I stood to the side, watching the foyer fill with glamorous women and handsome men.

'Because you can't refuse my looks?' he whispered into my ear.

I rolled my eyes. 'You know, I've never understood why people always say that you have a big ego,' I said, smiling at a girl from my class as she stumbled past us before turning my head to face my company. 'If anything, you're the most modest man I've ever met.'

Damon glared at me as he returned my fake smile. He leant down slightly so that he didn't have to raise his voice as he spoke. 'Are you a little testy because the original dick doesn't fancy you? Because, I've heard things-'

'What?' I hissed, my mouth and eyes widening as the Salvatore stood up, smirking to himself.

'Come on, did you really think that Caroline could keep a secret like that?' he asked before taking a sip from his champagne glass. 'And here I thought you had everyone figured out. I mean, you've certainly got me and I bet you have lover boy already-'

'Shut up,' I said through gritted teeth, suddenly very aware that half of the company at the Mikaelson's ball were vampires.

'Bet you're thinking twice about refusing to help us now, aren't you?' Damon took another sip from his glass before he turned back to face me; a look of pure enjoyment on his face. 'Does the Mikaelson know how you feel about him?'

'Damon...' I said with a warning tone.

'Do you think he feels the same way?' he asked, scanning the crowd, probably for the Mikaelson.

'Damon,' I repeated, though this time with a harsher tone.

'I wonder if telling him would-'

'If I agree to help you, will you keep your mouth shut?' I sighed angrily.

Damon's eyes turned back to me with a successful gleam. 'I'll keep sealed as tight as the vampires' tomb.'

I bit my tongue as I looked around the room, noticing how the guests were slowly making their way to the staircase where the Mikaelson family were gathering together.

'You have to shake on it or there's no deal,' Damon sang as he bent his head to my ear.

I turned my body completely around, causing Damon to stand upright with a smug grin on his face. He slowly extended his hand which I grabbed harshly, pumping it once before pulling my hand back, though failing to do so as Damon held it in a grip like a vice.

'Pleasure doing business with you,' he said as he leant down so that his face was a few inches from mine. I recoiled in disgust, yanking back my hand harshly so that he had to let go. 'I'll come find you later to fill you in with the plan.'

'Hang on, you don't even know what you're doing?' I asked incredulously.

'Please,' Damon said as he took another glass of champagne as a waiter passed. 'I'm making this up as I go along.' He winked at me before wondering off through the crowd, no doubt in search of Elena.

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