Dean Winchester - Girl with the Devils Number Part 2

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Warnings: blood and gore, language


His green eyes were all I could see. For a demon, this was not considered normal behavior. My kind didn't constantly think about humans. It just didn't work like that. We slept around; got what we needed when we wanted it and lived life like every human should. No emotions. That was the rule.

I stretched my arms high above me as I rolled over in bed; the covers hugging my body tightly as I checked the clock. After being considered high level demons over a hundred years ago, the boys and I had surprisingly taken to the life of a human. Simple things such as living in the city; playing pool in a bar and just partying was what made our lives so enjoyable. That and there were so many targets for causing trouble.

Slowly, I dragged my legs from under the covers; hanging over the edge of the bed as I reached for my silk, black kimono; shrugging it on before exiting my bedroom. 'For Lucifer's sake, Chris!' I shouted as I tiptoed to the kitchen. 'When the rules state to clean up your own mess, we don't mean do it half-heartedly!' If any hunters wanted to find demons round this place, they would certainly not expect to find four living under one roof, arguing about such trivial affairs like a clean apartment.

'I was enjoying myself last night, okay? I didn't have time to mop up the fucking floors!' Chris shouted back as he emerged from the bathroom with a towel hung low on his hips.

I rolled my eyes as I poured the just boiled coffee into a mug. 'When that blood begins to soak into the floorboards, you're going to wish you had listened to me.'

Chris rolled his eyes as he stepped carelessly through the puddles of blood and the couple of bodies littering the floor. 'I don't see why you bother. We'll just end up moving in the next few weeks.' He walked close behind me so that when I turned he was just a few inches away. 'Would certainly give the neighbours a fright.'

I rolled my eyes as I barged past him, jumping over the bodies before moving to the sofa. 'But, you just said it yourself,' I moaned, turning my head slightly to see him pick up an unattached hand with an amused look on his face. 'We're moving in a few weeks. We still have a few weeks left here and from the way you acted last night, you seem to like this place as much as I do. So, do you really want to leave here any sooner than we have to?'

Chris stuck his tongue out at me before chucking the hand in Ryan's direction as he was exiting his room; his bed hair like a birds nest and his eyes barely open.

'Don't throw around your disgusting play things!' I growled before throwing it back at Chris who easily dodged out of the way.

'Jeez, what side of the demon bed did you get out of?'

'Fuck off, Chris, I'm not in the mood,' moaned Ryan as he moved towards the coffee pot.

'Someone obviously didn't get any last night,' sang Chris as he began to draw a smiley face on the white walls with blood.

'Oh, why don't you go to hell?' Ryan spat.

'Been there, done that,' Chris sang before ducking out of the way of an oncoming mug which crashed against the wall.

'Bloody hell, this is like an episode of Demonic Housewives...' I muttered as I drank my coffee, quickly reading over the previous day's newspaper.

'Now, wouldn't that be an entertaining show?' said Kyle as he walked out from his room, looking ready for the day. 'Though it would probably end due to the high death count.'

'Something that Chris would know,' I said, earning a middle finger from the demon. I watched as the boys argued and fought about the bodies on the floor; Kyle mainly laughing as Ryan complained about how Chris was always getting them in trouble. I swear, if Ryan wasn't a demon, he'd be a glamorous interior designer.

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