Kol Mikaelson - Friends and Other People Part 2

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A/N: Hey guys - I've asked you this once before but I'm going to ask again before I start writing the next one shot! Would you guys be interested in Harry Potter one shots? I've got a few ideas for some but I'll only do them if you guys want!

Also, because someone brought this to my attention, if you want to request one shots anonymously, you can send me a message on my tumblr account which is puellaigmotum. It's a little different to my username on here but it's there if you want to send requests either anonymously or because its easier :)

There are also works of mine on some imagine accounts on tumblr that aren't posted here...They're a little different from the ones on this account though if you know what I mean :P

(gif not mine!)



Diana laughed. 'It's a long story. One that I'll have to explain after my shower. We'll discuss it over breakfast.' With a sweet smile to me and something similar to lust to Kol, Diana disappeared back into her room only to come out with her wash bag. She gave a little wave before sauntering down the hall towards the communal bathroom.

Once the sound of the bathroom door echoed along the hallway, I turned back to Kol. He was leaning against the door; his entire body on full display, apart from the bit covered by his boxers, with a smirk on his face.

I knew that I was staring, but only because I was trying to figure out what on earth was happening. This stranger, Diana's boyfriend, seemed to be pulling at something inside of me, like a bird rattling its cage, trying to get out.

'So...You and Diana huh?' I said, suddenly feeling skeptical of the man in front of me. Kol simply smiled as he drank me in. It was a familiar sensation, something that I felt that I had experienced before but I couldn't think why. 'Well, good luck to you is all I can say.'

'Why's that?' British. Even more familiar.

'Diana doesn't do...relationships. She doesn't really do other people. Not in that sense, I-I mean....' I knew I was flustered. This stranger, this foreign and very attractive stranger was standing right in front of me, almost naked and there I was, bitching about his girlfriend. It wasn't something that Diana considered bad. She actually found what we thought of her quite amusing. But I wasn't sure what her boyfriend would have to say about it yet, judging by the way he looked at me, he looked more amused than anything else.

I sighed. 'What I mean is that you're probably the first guy she's been with. Relationship wise. It's just...quite surprising...'

Kol smirked at me as he crossed one leg over the other; his body leaning more into the door frame. 'What makes you think this is a relationship?'

I frowned. 'She said you were her 'boyfriend'...'

Kol's smirk grew. 'Diana's definition of a boyfriend is someone she sleeps with more than once.'

I opened and closed my mouth multiple times; my brain trying to process what I had just heard whilst Kol stood there; eyes alight with amusement. 'Oh,' I said simply. 'Well, that makes sense...' I thought my words were quiet enough to not be heard but clearly, Kol had super hearing for he tilted his head as he bit back a smile.

'Getting jealous, love?'

I scoffed whilst my heart jumped. I had never been called that before...So why did it feel like that name was a secret between myself and someone else?

I cleared my throat. 'Right, well...I'm going to...go and get...dressed...'

Giving an awkward smile to Kol, I turned to walk away back to my room but his words stopped me.

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