Neal Caffrey - Business with Pleasure

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 Imagine that, in order to catch a criminal, Neal has to get close to you

(gif not mine!)


'Oh no.'

'Just what I wanted to hear from my favourite bartender,' I said sarcastically as I sat myself down on a free stool at the local bar.

Jimmy rolled his eyes. 'That's not what I meant.' I raised my brows in question to which he replied with a sigh. 'I've only ever seen that look on your face twice before. Once when you found out your granddad died and the other when that idiot of a boyfriend cheated on you.'

'Well, this time, it's a lot worse.' A glass of amber liquid appeared in front of me making me raise my eyes. Jimmy was leaning against the bar across from me; a look of sympathy in his eyes.

'Anyone I need to punch?'

A small smile broke across my lips. 'I don't think this is one of those situations where a punch will solve everything.'

'Well, if I can't make you happy with violence, then have the first drink on me. And the second,' he said with a wink as he moved to collect the empty glasses left on the bar from the couple who just left.

'What makes you think there's going to be a second?' I asked with humour as I took a large gulp from the drink; the liquid warming my throat as it went.

'Like I said, I've only seen you like this twice and both times required more than one glass of whisky.'

'True but remember what happened each time I had more than one.'

'Then that's your job to stop yourself,' he said with a laugh as he pulled the rag from his shoulder to wipe down the top.

'I thought it was the bartenders' job?'

Jimmy laughed. 'We want to get as much money from customers as possible. We can't very well do that if you guys are sober, can we?'

'You're a pig, Jimmy,' I laughed as I took another sip from my drink.

'And yet you keep coming back.' With a wink, he moved to a couple of spaces down the bar to where a man in an expensive looking suit sat. Despite the sound of music playing around the bar, I could just hear the conversation between the newcomer and Jimmy.

'Vodka,' the man said, to which Jimmy replied with a sharp nod before turning round to get the bottle of clear liquid.

I laughed quietly earning a raised brow from the stranger. 'Been there,' I laughed quietly before taking a lengthy gulp from my glass of whisky.

'Got any tips on coping?' he asked as Jimmy placed down the shot glass before filling it just to the brim. Whenever Jimmy got the order for vodka, he always made sure his customers got their moneys worth. His motto was that if he didn't scam anyone, the business would be good. He was right, of course I knew that wasn't the only reason he gave people such full glasses of alcohol. He just loved to laugh at people getting too drunk too quickly. He only had a few pleasures in life and this, according to him, was one of them.

I laughed. 'Unfortunately, the only advice I have is to drink until you forget.'

'Yikes. How did that work out for you?'

'Well, I'm in a bar so you can assume I survived it.' The stranger laughed quietly as he necked back the shot. 'So is it work or personal stuff that brought you here?'

'Bit of both,' the stranger sighed.

'Isn't there a phrase that states you should never mix business with pleasure?'

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