Jason Dilaurentis - Late Night Secrets Part 2

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Warnings: language, 

'D-Dad?' I stuttered. 'What... What are you doing here?'

My father simply glared at me. I could tell that he was trying to keep his temper at bay but judging by him clenching his jaw and fists, he wasn't doing well. 'Shut the door and sit down.'

I risked a quick glance at Jason as my father looked down at the ground almost in despair. Jason just looked at me with sad, defeated eyes. We both knew this was coming. We just didn't think it would be this soon.

I slumped down into the chair opposite Jason. The temptation to reach across the desk and clutch his hand as we waited for our judgement was almost too much. We had spent so much time in Jason's office cuddling and talking and kissing... It almost seemed symbolic to have everything finish in that room.

Dad walked behind the desk so that he was standing to the side of Jason, though far away to make it clear to anyone that came in that he would do anything to not be there. He took a few moments of deep breathing, trying to calm his anger before he spoke. My foot was bouncing rapidly against the floor as I waited for him to speak. The anticipation was dire. My mouth was ready to open; my mind ready to break the awkward silence before my father spoke.

'I understand that... Whatever this is...This...thing...between you two has been going on for a while,' dad said; his words dripping with disgust and almost disbelief. 'But I am shocked to learn that, despite what I've told you,' he said, aiming his words at me, 'about seeing him, you continued to do so.'

'Dad,' I breathed; my mind quickly working to come up with a believable lie. 'We haven't been seeing each other. Yes, I've had counselling sessions with Mr Dilaurentis,' I said, casting my eyes to Jason briefly before meeting my fathers. 'But nothing else has happened. It was my idea to come and see him because of the issues I was having with school work and the way I had disappointed you before-'

'You expect me to believe that crap?' dad spat, making me recline in my seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jason flinch. His eyes were darting between us both, watching with caution in case my dad lost control of his temper completely. 'You don't think that I don't know that you two have been sneaking around after hours?'

I felt my eyes frown, hoping that my face wasn't going pale at being caught in the act. 'What-'

Before I could question anymore, my father slammed a pile of paper down on Jason's desk. My eyes widened in horror and embarrassment as they cast themselves over the top piece of paper which turned out to be an enlarged photo. I didn't need to get a closer look at it. It was obvious what the picture held.

'How... How did you get these?' I breathed.

'Someone passed them through our door this morning.' I closed my eyes in defeat. There was no need to guess who had done this. Through every good moment with Jason, I had pushed Rosewoods' little stalker to the back of my mind. But this was now personal. A had targeted me before but never to this extent. They were always after Hannah, Aria, Emily and Spencer. Obviously they had decided that I was worth having on their little chess board.

I lifted my eyes to see Jason eyeing the photo with a blank face, though his eyes told a different story. He was heartbroken. He knew what this meant for him. For us. He could lose his career if my dad really wanted him to but, he knew that he was going to lose me. There was a flash of anger in his eyes too, almost as though he was pissed off at being caught, at being careless.

'So, this is how it's going to work. You both will not talk to each other or even look at each other. There will be no more late night rendezvous or counsellor meetings. If you,' dad continued; this time aiming his words at Jason, 'so much as think about my daughter, I will have you arrested for underage sexual assault.'

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