Kai - Reunited

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Imagine being trapped in the 1994 prison world with Kai, an old flame


'Damon,' I muttered as I looked off into the blinding white light, trying to ignore the feeling of my heart attempting to jump out of my chest in fear.

'Yeah?' he said quietly, though I could still hear him over the rushing sound of the wind as it carried the fallen leaves as well as the ones on the branches on its tail.

'I...' I laughed quietly as a lone tear fell from my face. 'I'm scared.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Damon had turned his head fully to look at me; something resembling empathy, fear and care on his face. 'I thought you said that you weren't afraid of anything.'

I bit my lip as my smile grew. 'The scariest vamp in town has to be afraid of something,' I replied, turning my head slightly to give him a smile which he returned with less fear.

As the wind picked up speed, both of our heads whipped round to look at the growing light. 'Do you think it will hurt?' I asked quietly, knowing that he would be able to hear me with his vampire skills.

Suddenly, a warm feeling enveloped my hands, causing me to look down in curiosity and fear, only to feel my body relax at the sight of Damon's hand gripping mine tight enough to break a humans bones. 'Surely female Dracula can endure a little bit of pain,' he smirked causing me to shake my head.

'We're on the brink of disappearing into God knows where, and you're making jokes?' I laughed.

'Someone has to lighten the mo-'


My head was spinning. My abs felt like I'd done the plank five hours straight and I was pretty sure that my lungs had been liquefied. I squinted my eyes as I looked up into the bright blue sky; not a cloud or bird in sight.

'Good to know hell has light...' I muttered to myself as I scrunched up my face, catching the blazing sun in the corner of my eye as I lifted my head. I dragged my hand through my hair as I tried to make sense of where the hell I was besides on the floor of a forest.

'It's not quite hell, but you're close,' came a snarky voice from behind. I felt my body tense as I flew upright, turning myself so that the person who the voice belonged to was in front and a few feet away from me.

The figure was a young man, brunette with a devilish smirk painted on his face which could give the youngest Mikaelson a run for his money. He stared at me with hooded eyes, watching me as though waiting for me to pounce on him.

'If not hell, then where am I?' I questioned after a few minutes of painful silence.

'Well, doyou see a yellow brick road, Dorothy?' he asked, his smirk growing as he gestured to his surroundings.

'Gee, Glinda, don't think I do,' I replied bitterly, only to gain an even larger smirk from the stranger.

'Now, I don't remember Dorothy being so sarcastic,' he said as he took a small step towards me. 'Then again, I think the last time I saw her was before I ended up here and that was a long time ago.' As he spoke, his smirk turned into a smile as he looked off into the distance, as though remembering some secret.

'So; the creepy stranger doesn't like the way I talk. And I care why?'

'Or bitchy,' he said without missing a beat. He finally turned to look at me; his smirk returning. 'I like this new Dorothy. Fiery. Sexy.' He winked causing my face to drop.

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