Elijah - Comforter Part 2

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It had been over a month since Elijah's visit into my room. I hadn't spoken or even seen Tyler, which made me believe that either he was avoiding me or my friends were keeping him away. Everyone in town seemed to have heard what had happened, including my dad as, for the first tine in months, he stayed home for the entire week, watching Harry Potter and Marvel films with me. He never said anything about it though, which I was thankful for. He simply brought me cups of hot chocolate and breakfast in bed when I didn't get up before midday, which was pretty much every day. The girls were great, as well. Every weekend, they would come over, with alcohol, talking about everything but boys which was very hard considering Caroline was there. 

'I can't believe Alaric would give us homework considering he knows what we have to go through each day!' complained Caroline as she refilled her glass.

'Well, he is a teacher, Caroline. It's his job!' laughed Elena as she grabbed the bottle from Caroline's clingy hands. 

'Plus, he can't not give us any work! It would be totally unfair if he gave everyone else in the class work but us.' 

'Yeah but Tyler never does it anyway and he doesn't even use the hybrid excuse,' said Caroline, her glass halfway to her lips when she froze, realizing what she had said.

The entire room froze; each of my friends looking at me to see how I would react. I simply smiled before grabbing the bottle where it was sat in Elena's lap, pouring myself another glass before laughing. 'What? Guys, it's been over a month. I'm fine, really!' 

'Are you sure? I mean, you and Tyler had been together for over a year,' said Elena with a concerned look. 

'I promise, I'm okay! I mean, sure it was horrible and I thought my heart had exploded but it's all in the past. Nothing I can do about it now.' 

Each of my friends exchanged a look before Caroline breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank God, because I've been dying to ask you something!' 

'Should I be worried?' I asked Elena and Bonnie as Caroline wriggled on my bed to get more comfortable. 

'It's Caroline,' said Elena with raised brows. 'So, yeah probably!' 

'How did it happen? The break up, I mean, not...the other thing...' 

I laughed as I went on to explain how I had found out and broken up with Tyler. 

'Wow. God, I'm so sorry,' said Elena as she wrapped her arms around me. 

'It's okay. Elijah made me feel really good afterwards...' The minute the words were out of my mouth, I felt my eyes widen in horror. I had tired so hard to not mention Elijah's little visit to the girls. It would have caused too many complications and I knew that they would think that I broke up with Tyler because of him. 

'What did you just say?' asked Bonnie; hers and the others eyes all widen with shock. 

'I didn't mean it like that! I...urmm...' I stuttered, trying to think up a way to get myself out of the mess I had gotten myself into. 'It's not like that!' 

'Well then explain!' said Caroline, speaking over the other two. 

'It's hard to explain...' I muttered as I drained my drink. 

'You can't just leave it like that! You have to give us the whole story!' 

I sighed in defeat as I grabbed the nearly empty bottle of wine, only downing a shot without bothering to fill my glass. 'He came into my room after the break up. We just talked, that was it! Nothing happened!' 

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