Jeremy Gilbert - A Day At The Movies

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Based on imagines from imaginevampriediaries on tumblr:

Imagine meeting Jeremy when he gets on a bus to leave town & Imagine Jeremy showing up at your work with a bouquet of roses because he wanted to surprise you and show you he was thinking about you & Imagine scaring Jeremy because you were in danger and he confessed up to not wanting to lose you and being in love with you

A/N: Hello, fellow readers! It has been too long my amazing ones! I am pleased to say that Year 1 of University is complete so now begins a summer of writing! I know it's been a while but I hope some of you are still with me and are excited for these new one shots as I am!

Just to let you guys in on the plans for the near future:

Matt Donovan- steamy(ish) one shot

Kai Parker- semi steamy one shot 

Jason Dilaurentis - Late Night Secrets Part 4

Kai Parker - Bloodstream Part 3

Neal Caffrey - cute and fluffy one shot

Possible Ben Wheeler (Baby Daddy) one shot

As usual, if you guys have any requests, please send them my way! So, for now, enjoy this Jeremy one shot and I'll see you guys soon! xx

(Gif not mine!) 


You couldn't remember why you were sat there. Not really. You couldn't think about how the cold wind bit at your skin or how the music playing in your ears was just that little bit too quiet. You couldn't think of anything. Just your next destination and even then, you couldn't really think of that.

You picked at your chipped black nail varnish, swinging your feet just above the ground. An involuntary shiver ran through you, causing a strand of hair to fall over your eyes. For a moment, you thought you would move it; the light tickle against your nose starting to annoy you. You decided against it, of course. It required too much thought, too much effort. So, once again, you let yourself be immersed by the music; the gentle pluck of guitar strings soothing your mind.

Despite the road being almost dark, save for the one little flickering lamppost beside the bus shelter, you didn't notice the car pull up beside the shelter. You didn't even turn your head at the sound of two male voices, seemingly parting ways. Your body did give a little jump when someone joined you on the bench but, other than that, you made no movements.

Out of the corner of your eye, you could see who had taken up residency beside you on the bench. He was young. That was all you could tell. Dark hair and white skin. The same look on his face that was no doubt on yours.

You didn't need to look at him to tell that he was looking at you. You could feel his eyes, taking in your entire being. It wasn't in a creepy way. More like trying to understand. Maybe, he was looking for the reason as to why you were there. Hoping, even, to see the same reason in you that was in him.

The song that was playing on repeat in your ears played through twice, reaching its second verse, before the man spoke. 'Do you know if the bus is actually coming?'

His question came out a little as a joke; the man, or kid judging from his voice, trying to come across as friendly. He didn't look your way when he asked. He simply kept his head forward. It would have been something that made you feel relaxed, as though he didn't want to feel like he was pressuring you for an answer.

A minute had passed before you answered. You knew it was rude. He wasn't prying or being creepy at all. You had just lost yourself in the moment; enjoying the company that wasn't yours to enjoy, considering the lack of introductions and all. You had just wanted to sit there; savouring the calm and peaceful with some company.

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