Adam Weaver - A Balcony Meeting with an Extraordinary Girl

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Imagine meeting Adam Weaver at a party

A/N: Omg this story has got over 16k reads! Thank you so much guys! Don't forget to keep sending in your requests! I'm also sorry about another Chris Wood related one shot! I've had this idea in my head forever and I just had to write it!


'Come on!' whined Samantha as she flopped onto my bed. I rolled my eyes, shaking my head in amusement as I continued to fold my clothes before placing them in the top drawer.

'I've told you a thousand times,' I sighed. 'I don't do those kind of parties.'

'You don't do any kind of parties!' cried Samantha, making me bite my lip to hold back my laughter. 'Come on, kid! Just this one time, okay? That's all I'm asking!'

'Sam, you said that last time,' I laughed turning round to face her. This was the first time in my 20 years of living and growing up with the blonde, even though she was six years older than me, that I had seen Samantha Jones lie on the bed, face up, with her head hanging over the side like that. It was almost childlike. Yet, that was Samantha. Though she was far from an innocent little girl, she had the tendency to act like a spoilt brat when the time suited her.

'Yeah but that was Mr 'I have a huge package' Johnson's party and we couldn't have missed that!' Sam said. With a gasp, she turned herself around so that she was lying chest down on the bed, both legs up in the air with her head leaning on her hands. 'You remember that night? It was the night you met Bone and-'

'And we don't talk about that story anymore!' I laughed awkwardly, slamming the drawer shut.

'Oh, come on! It wasn't that embarrass-ow!'

Moving to the bed to slap Sam hard on her backside, I rolled my eyes. 'It wouldn't even meet your embarrassing scale, Sam. Half of the crap you've done in your lifetime is enough to give a priest a heart attack!' I laughed, moving from the little bedroom section of Larissa's old apartment to the kitchen.

'Oh boy, have I done that before,' sighed Samantha in remembrance. 'And let me tell you; he was far from pure before I met him. Though I certainly did make him a true sinner, if you know what I mean.' I reached into the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water, only to turn around and roll my eyes. 'You know, we did it in the church! Like right on the alter in a position that-'

'God, Sam!' I said, pulling away from the fridge to give her a disgusted look. 'So not needed.'

Samantha shrugged her shoulders; a smug smile on her lips as she moved herself to lean against the island in the kitchen. 'Look at it this way; everyone, and I do mean everyone, will be going to this party! It would be an apostrophe if you didn't go.'

'I think you mean atrocity.' Sam gave me a glare. Rolling my eyes, I continued. 'Sam, these parties just aren't my thing! You know that.'

'I know, I know,' she sighed, following me to the couch. 'You like to sit at home with a cup of tea reading some sort of crap about some crappy prudes' love life.'

'Nothing wrong with that,' I said, taking a sip from the water.

'I never said there was. But it is a problem when you're a hot, twenty year old girl with everything ahead of you, living in an apartment all on her own!'

'Well I would ask you to bunk up with me but then that would mean putting up with your shit 24 hours a day and I don't think I could handle that. That's also including the phone sex, the video camera sex, the TV sex, the-'

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