Stefan Salvatore - Anchor

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Based on the imagines from thevampirediariesimagine on tumlr:

Imagine always showing up to save Stefan & Imagine going to Stefan after being turned to get him to teach you to control the bloodlust & Imagine going on a road trip with Stefan

(gif not mine!)


Winter, 1987

'Why is it that whenever there is any trouble it's always you two?'

Stefan gave me a shit eating grin as he lifted himself to sit up. 'What a surprise!' Stefan puffed sarcastically. 'I should have been expecting you the moment things started catching on fire, huh?'

'Did you honestly think I wouldn't find you?'

'Well, I thought we hid the paper trail pretty well,' laughed Lexi as she brushed her hands on her jeans once she was standing up. She carefully helped Stefan before turning towards me like two kids who had just got away with eating all of the chocolate and staying up all night.

I rolled my eyes. 'So, does either of you two want to explain to me why or even how you got to go to the after party with Bon Jovi?'

Stefan and Lexi shared a secretive look before turning back to me. 'Why don't we leave it at, what you don't know can't hurt you,' Lexi said with a wink before skipping past. 'Come on, Dracula! Have some fun! Stefan's starting to!'

'Hey! That's only because you practically forced those bottles of whisky down my throat!'

'You didn't say no!'

Stefan laughed as we both watched Lexi swing round a lamppost and round the corner of the street. 'How long were you looking for us?' he asked after a few moments of silence.

I slowly turned my head to give him a scowl. 'Only the whole night.' Once Stefan had given me a sheepish look, I slapped him round the back of the head. Despite both of us being vampires, we both winced at the connection. 'What were you thinking?'

'Okay, okay! I'm sorry!' Stefan laughed as he stepped away, following Lexi.

'What, sorry about leaving me or sorry about having fun without me?'

'Ah, relax Ms Broody Pants!' Lexi laughed once we had rounded the corner. 'You're just jealous that Stefan prefers me over you.'

'You bloody wish,' I said with a smirk as Lexi linked our arms together and walked down the road; each of us howling with laughter through the early hours of the morning.

Present day

I hadn't seen Stefan or Lexi since that night of the Bon Jovi concert. The main reason was simply because I turned off my humanity.

We three vampires had been friends ever since we had met. Lexi and I had known each other back when we were humans and we had picked up Stefan when he was in his ripper stage.

Things had been complicated between myself and the Salvatore boy ever since we had met. I had slowly started to fall for him throughout our years of friendship yet it had never amounted to anything. I think it was partly because I knew that my soul mate, Michael, was out there running away from some persistent hunter.

Of course, everything changed when I heard that he had died. I had found out that night of the concert. Some other vampire friend in Europe had been with him when it had happened. Naturally, my humanity went a few seconds after. Yet, despite the insane bloodlust and the lack of care for being found, Lexi and Stefan never found me.

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