Jason Dilaurentis - Late Night Secrets Part 4

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A/N: The final part of this little Jason Dilaurentis Series! Hope you've all enjoyed it! I must also apologise that it has taken me so long to update and get this request done... I didn't know how to even start it let alone finish it so it would mean the world to me if I could get some feedback! Thank you amazing readers - and to many more stories to come!

Warnings: language, angst, mentions of death

(gif not mine!)


'You can't be serious!' Hannah scoffed.

'As a heart attack,' I laughed, looking up from packing my suitcase. On seeing Hannah's face, I dropped my smile, clearing my throat. 'Sorry.'

'You can't leave Rosewood!' she continued as I walked away from my bed where my suitcase was situated to my wardrobe, next to where Hannah was standing. In a blink, she was in front of me, blocking the doors to the wardrobe. 'Tell me this is some seriously sick joke.'

'Why?' I sighed, pushing past her not too softly either. Opening the doors, I walked inside, looking through my clothes to decide what to take.

'Because that's... That's like letting A win!'

'A had always won, Hannah,' I replied from my wardrobe. Picking out two tops and a coat, I walked out of the walk-in wardrobe and towards my suitcase. I dropped the clothes carelessly into the suitcase before dragging a hand through my untamed hair. 'All I'm doing is jumping the ship before it sinks. The damage is done. I can't do anything about it now...'

Hannah watched me with sadness. I had been out of hospital for just over a week. In that time, I had applied to college, with the hope of being able to transfer as soon as possible with early admission, sat through a grilling interview from the heads of the college, got accepted to college, missed school and found a common ground with my father. I also hadn't seen or spoken to Jason. Not that he hadn't tried. According to Hannah, he had been asking her every moment he could about how I was. Despite how we had left things in the hospital, I couldn't help but feel slightly touched at Jason's care. Of course, it was too little too late.

'Bullshit,' Hannah spat as she slammed the suitcase shut. Leaning back on the heels of my feet, I folded my arms across my chest as I waited for her to speak. 'You've given up. Don't you see? This is what A wants you to do!' I rolled my eyes before moving back to the wardrobe.

'All I'm doing is leaving-'

'More like running like a dog with its tail between its legs...'

I scoffed. 'I didn't picture you for analogies,' I said from my place in the wardrobe. 'And anyway, I'm not running. Like I said, I'm just choosing the safest option.'

'Safe for who? A's not going to let you leave.'

Walking out of the wardrobe with another stack of clothes, I turned to face Hannah. 'I thought you said that this was what A wanted?'

'They do. I mean they don't...' I listened to Hannah stutter as I walked back to my bed, this time perching on the edge as I dropped the stack of clothes onto the bed. 'Either way,' Hannah continued as she moved to stand in front of me. 'You're letting A win. More to the point, you're letting your dad win. Do you want that?'

I sighed, picking up a thin camisole before placing it into my lap to fold. 'Of course I don't.' I stopped folding the top; staring at my lap as I thought of what to say next. 'But what am I supposed to do, Han?' Looking up, I met her eyes as she leant against the poster of my four poster bed; sadness evident in her eyes. She was just as hopeless as I was. 'My dad has been on his last bit of tolerance for a while, A is never going to leave me alone and-'

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