Kol - Games

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Imagine Kol getting jealous (gif not mine!)

Sweat was dripping down my face as I angled the cue on the pool table. I bit my bottom lip hard as I took a deep breath in through my nose. I could see the man watch me from the corner of my eye as he leant against the wall of the grill; his cocky yet calm demeanour obvious through his stance. 

I released my lip as my cue tapped the white ball just in front of it. I stayed where I was, leaning over the table as I watched the final ball drift across the table at a tantalizingly slow speed till it dropped into the corner pocket. 

I slowly stood up from the table, a smug grin on my face as I turned to face my competition. The man stood there, his mouth agape as I went to lean on my pool cue, watching the man's eyes go from the table to me and back.

'I do believe you now owe me 50 dollars,' I said with a huge grin on my face before holding out my hand towards the man. 'Pay up, Fabio.' 

The guy, who appeared to be more pissed off than anything, slowly walked over to me before whipping out his wallet and pulling 5 notes from it. He carefully placed it in my hand before giving me a smirk of his own. 'Next time, I'm gonna bet a date,' he said with a wink.

'That's probably going to cost more than 50,' I replied, pocketing the cash before turning my back to place the cue on the table.

'Oh, I'm sure I could get my money's worth,' he whispered in my ear. My head whipped round to see the smirk still on his face before he winked at me and walked towards the bar. 

I shivered involuntarily before turning back to the table to release the balls to set up for a new game. 

'Humans. Always making the stakes too high,' came a charming voice from behind, one that I recognised all too well.    

'Kol Mikaelson,' I stated before slowly turning round to face the original; his ever cocky smirk etched on his face. 'What an unpleasant surprise.' 

He placed his hand on his heart as if I had physically wounded him before taking a few steps towards me; his green top hugging his form as he moved. 'You seem like you are ready to play another game,' he stated, completely ignoring my remark. 

'Maybe,' I said as I leant against the table. 'You think you can win?' I asked, trying not to let the closeness get to me. 

He leant in close, so close that I could feel his breath against my lips making me shiver slightly. 'Anything for a date with you, love,' he teased before taking a step back to smirk at me more. I bit my lip as I tried to hide my face behind my hair but he simply tucked it behind my ear before leaning in close again. 'Is someone a little worried?' he asked, brushing his lips against my neck causing me to shiver again. 

I pulled back slightly so I could see his whole face. I swallowed deeply, which I was sure he heard but I tried to ignore it, before I placed a small smile on my lips. 'Hardly.' I took a step back as he admired my confidence, something that never came out unless the original was around. 'And to prove it to you,' I said, picking up a cue before tossing it to him which he caught effortlessly. 'I'm going to let you break,' I said, picking up my own cue before raising my brows quickly in a challenging way. 

He laughed quietly before he set up the table. Once it was done, he bent over on the other side of the table, his eyes not leaving mine even as he lined up the cue. 'I hope you realise what you've signed up for, darling,' he said before taking his shot. 

'I can't believe this,' I moaned as I rubbed my eyes in exasperation as Kol pocketed his fifth ball in a row. We had played three games so far and I had already handed over all the money I had earned from previous games that day, bought him five shots of whisky, which seemingly had no effect on him, and had promised him a date, which I was definitely going to enjoy more than I would let on. 

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