Kai Parker - A Sirens Change

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Imagine that you're childhood friends with Kai but you have deeper feelings for him than friendship. Any chance you have with him is then ruined by another.

A/N: Hey guys! If you haven't read the authors note before this then please do as it explains my plans for the next few weeks! 

Also, to the lovely reader who requested this - I am so sorry it has taken so long! I had this written and then rewritten and then changed and...well, it continues so I'm really sorry it's taken me forever! I hope you enjoy it though and thank you for the request!

Once again guys, keep voting and commenting and requesting! Next one shot is Neal Caffrey!

Warnings: language (probably), fighting, blood, angst

(gif not mine!)


'I don't like her.'

The Grill was buzzing with students due to it being the weekend before Independence Day. Everywhere you looked was red, white and blue and half naked frat boys. You had all decided to spend the weekend in your home town, as opposed to going for a big weekend getaway like you usually did, hence why you had decided to spend the Friday night of the celebration in your local bar.

Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie and Elena all turned to you at your comment, rolled their eyes and continued their conversation. 'I'm serious,' you said, slightly louder this time in case they didn't hear you though, of course, you knew they had. You sighed. 'Is anyone going to say anything?'

'Yes, we heard you,' said Caroline, turning her head from Stefan to answer before turning back to face him.

You scoffed. 'I'm surprised you of all people did, Care. I would have thought that you were too wrapped up in Stefan's 'blue lagoon' eyes to hear anything I have to say.'

'It's ocean blue...' You smirked devilishly as Caroline whipped her head to face you; a look of pure shock and horror on her face. 'You said you'd never tell anyone about that!'

'Technically I didn't...'

As the realisation swept across Caroline's face, Bonnie and Elena began to snigger quietly. Caroline quickly turned back to Stefan, who's face was alight with amusement; each of us listening to Caroline trying to stutter her way out of it. 'I-I didn't...' She laughed, 'I never said that. She,' she said, pointing to you; her tone filled with venom, 'is putting words into my mouth.'

You held your hand across your heart in feigned hurt. 'I'm just telling Romeo here what you said, Caroline. There's no need to freak out. It's not like I told him you sang Taylor Swift's 'Love Story' whilst adding 'Stefan' into each verse...' You watched as Caroline's eyes clouded over with fury as a small smirk spread across your lips. 'Whoops.'

You managed to grab Caroline's fist as she swung it your way. You tsked, shaking your head as you watched the flames in Caroline's eyes dance. 'No need to make it obvious, Caroline.' You flinched slightly as she pulled her wrist out of your grip.

'You're lucky your crush isn't here otherwise you would be toast,' Caroline smirked as she leant back in her chair; Stefan slowly placing his hand over the back of it.

'You've got a crush on me?' Stefan asked, though the glint in his eye told us that he had no need to ask the question.

You held Caroline's stare; both of you smirking as you waited for the other to say something.

'Uh oh.' Bonnie's words made you and Caroline break the stare and turn to her. 'Little Miss siren is on the move.' Each of you moved so you could watch the bright red haired beauty with a cleavage revealing top moved from one victim to the next.

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