Stefan - Saviour

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Imagine Stefan saving you from a vampire attack (gif not mine!)


It hurt. It hurt so much and I couldn't stop it. The pain was unbearable and yet all I could do was scream. My arms were strung up above me as the blood from my stomach seeped out of the cut, dripping to the stone floor of the cell.

The female vampire simply rolled her eyes as I squirmed and moaned in pain before she turned towards the table where an assortment of knives lay. 'You can keep screaming unless you want to tell me where it is. It would benefit both of us if you just gave in and stopped trying to be brave.'

I pulled against the shackles as I tried to calm my breathing in an attempt to slow the blood that gushed through my top. I was beginning to feel light headed and I knew that just leaning agaisnt the stone cold wall would not be enough to keep me up for much longer.

'So,' she said as she walked towards me with what seemed like a large stake knife. 'Are you going to give in like a good little girl or are you-' Suddenly, she arched her back as a look of pain flooded across her face, contourting all her features in what seemed like pain. She opened her mouth, as though to scream, yet all that came out was blood, slowly dripping down our of the corner of her mouth.

Even in the dim light of the cave, I could see her skin slowly turning ash grey causing her veins to become more prominent. As she slowly sunk to her knees, her killer stood still, holding her dripping heart in his hand as he watched her fall face first onto the ground, never to move again.

The sound of the wet heart falling onto the floor filled the silence, making my heart speed up at the thought of the vampire's killer and myself being in the same room. Suddenly, the man was in front of me, glaring into my eyes before casting themselves down my body. I couldn't tell who the man was, but I knew I recognized him from somewhere.

After he had inspected me, though for what I don't know, he reached up to my shackles and pulled them apart, as easy as ripping a tissue. I felt myself drift slowly to the ground, as nothing was there to keep me up, but just as I was inches from the floor, the strangers hands were around my waist, lifting me up into his arms. I could feel my head falling against his chest as he walked out of the cave and inot the moonlight but all I could remember after that was the wind whipping past my ear as my eyes drifted shut.


The ground was soft, like feathers, and warm, letting my body sink into it as though it could swallow away all my fears. I felt my body react by snuggling deeper into the ground, not caring about anything around me or even where I was.

'She should have woken up by now. The blood's healed her wounds,' came a voice from the side of me.

'Stefan, relax. She's been through a lot. Besides, maybe she doesn't want to wake up to your ugly face,' said another voice from the other side of me.

'Either way, she must be important, otherwise Lydia wouldn't have gone after her,' said a female voice.

'Yes but we know crazy Lydia went after anyone. She might just be a stupid human that was in the wrong place at the wrong time,' said the second voice.

'Maybe. But she was wearing a vervain bracelet so she must know something,' said Stefan, the first voice. All the voices suddenly began to blur into one as I drifted back into a dream world but not just before I heard Stefan say, 'Whatever happens, though, we have to keep her safe.'


Blood filled my vision. Along with people screaming and houses burning in the distance. Vampires were running around the town, ripping into people's throats, making the road run red with blood.

I gasped as I sat upright, feeling sweat stick to the thin top I was wearing. 'It's alright.You're safe,' said a voice to my right just before I felt a warm and light pressure on my shoulder. My head whipped round to see none other than Stefan Salvatore.

'Stefan? What are you doing here?' I asked, curious as to why my lab partner was sitting on a bed next to me. 'Wait, where even is here?' Looking round the room, I noticed wooden panels lined the walls as did a couple of large bookshelves. Apart from those, a desk and a set of drawers, the room was bare.

'You're at the Salvatore boarding house. In my room.' He said the last part with something that resembled embarrassment on his face causing me to look down at the bed. 'Now, I know you'll find this hard to believe but...Vampire's are real.'

At his words, I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me with a hint of surprise. Obviously he thought I would run around calling him a liar. 'I know,' I said with a smile. He simply raised his brows as I shuffled in the bed so that my back leant against the headboard. 'I know they exist. Come on, Stefan. The way you act, the hundreds of 'animal' kills in the town...We're not stupid. Some people have figured it out. I mean, why do you think I wear vervain?'

Stefan just leant back with a surprised look on his face. He sat there with his mouth slightly agape, not knowing what to say. 'Well...That saves me from giving you the speech,' he said with a laugh before looking into my eyes with a smile which instantly went as a look of concern took over. 'How are you feeling?'

'Better. Definitely a nice change from the cave,' I laughed, though it was humourless. We were silent for a few moments, not knowing what to say, till I laughed quietly to myself making Stefan look at me with curiosity. 'Who would have thought that the Stefan Salvatore was a vampire,' I teased, giving him a smile to show him I wasn't being serious.

He looked down at laughed before looking up with his head tilted. 'I could say the same about you. When did you figure it out?'

'Round about the same time that Vicki Donovan died,' I replied with a sad smile. We sat in a sad silence, thinking about Matt's sister and her horrible death till I decided to make him smile. 'I must admit, though. I didn't think that Stefan Salvatore would ever save me from my psychotic step-mum,' I said, trying to laugh though it came out like a sad sigh.

'That was your step-mum?' Stefan asked, his voice higher than usual.

'Yeah. Wish I could say that that was the first time that she had done that to me...'

'So you've known about vampires for a while then?' Stefan asked with a sad look on his face. I simply nodded, not looking into his eyes as I picked at my cuticles. Suddenly, I felt his hand under my chin, tilting it up. Once I looked up, I saw him look into my eyes with something deeper than care. 'I promise you; we, I, won't let anything bad happen to you.'

I nodded slowly as his hand went to stroke my cheek. I leant into it slightly, my body reacting more than my brain. He slowly leant in so our foreheads were just touching. As he was just about to close the distance with his lips, a loud cough ruined the moment. I pulled back all the way yet Stefan stayed where he was, not even bothering to look at the person at the door. 'What are you doing in here, Damon?'

'Oh, don't mind me, kids. Just enjoying the view,' he said with a wink in my direction as his eyes drifted over me. It was only then that I realized I had no idea what I was wearing. In worry, I looked down to see that I was wearing a mans shirt, one of Stefan's by the look of it, that had a few buttons undone at the top so that the top of my chest was visible. Horrified, I pulled the shirt tight against my body making Damon laugh.

'Get out, Damon,' Stefan said sternly.

'Actually, brother, you're wanted downstairs.' He waited, leaning against the door, for Stefan to move. Stefan groaned in annoyance before giving me an apologetic look. Casting a glare at Damon he raised from the bed, walked over to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

'I'll be back in a minute,' he whispered before stepping back and followed Damon out of the door.

I let my head fall against the headboard as I listened to the boys descend the stairs. 'I always knew you liked her,' Damon said; his tease echoing up to the room. I smiled to myself, knowing full well I was blushing, before snuggling down into the covers and letting the events of the previous night wash away.

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