Kai Parker - Bloodstream Part 2

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(pic not mine!)


The screams of my sister could be heard coming up the drive towards the Salvatore Boarding House.

I flinched as the sound of something wooden collided with what I assumed was the wall.

Swallowing, I clutched my jacket tighter around my body; the shouts and screams filling the night air around me.

Despite having not seen my sister for a few weeks, all I wanted to do was go back to the tree and away from that place. Away from my sister. Back to Kai.

I physically shook my head, trying to shake the feelings out. What was I thinking? This was Caroline. My own blood. My older sister. I haven't seen her since...

I couldn't think about it anymore. I had to focus on Caroline and getting her humanity back.

Walking through the front door, I couldn't help but stare. The house was a bomb site. Furniture littered the floor along with shards of wood and pieces of glass which cracked underneath my boots.

Cautiously, I walked down the steps and into the main room. I felt my eyes widen at the sight. There was Caroline, writhing on the floor in pain as Bonnie stood over her; her arm extended towards the vampire. Elena had her back to the chaos with Damon by her side whilst Stefan, Matt and Alaric watched Bonnie from the edges of the room.

Simultaneously, everyone's head lifted to where I was standing. 'Caroline' I breathed; my voice cracking at the name.

Stefan's eyes crinkled at the corner as he smiled in my direction before his face fell. 'You shouldn't be here.'

'I'm here for my sister,' I replied; my voice shaking. 'After all, we have both lost our mum.' The words weren't meant to cause pain but judging by Stefan's eyes, he felt guilty. They all did.

Stefan winced slightly before walking around Caroline towards me. He didn't stop until I was wrapped in his arms; his head leaning on mine. 'Are you okay?'

I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist, not knowing how to answer his question. 'Sure,' I replied but Stefan's body was still tense. He didn't believe me.

'We missed you.' I wanted to laugh, push him away and call him a liar. But the fight wasn't in me.

Stefan pulled away yet he still kept his arms on my shoulders, holding me at arms length. He bent his head slightly so that the could look into my eyes. There was sadness in them, as though he knew exactly what he and the others had done. I watched as Stefan opened his mouth to speak, but the words that filled the room weren't his.

'Look who it is. The one who no one cares about. I don't think we even noticed you coming in.' The things in peoples nightmares are parents telling them how they were a mistake, how they never wanted them around. How they wish they never existed. When a sibling is involved, the nightmare is how they show that they are the better one, how no one cares about the other sibling. That was the nightmare that came true.

Stefan brought himself upright, taking a step towards Caroline to shield me from her.

Caroline sighed. 'There you go again, huh Stefan? Choosing someone other than me.' Though it was Caroline speaking, it sounded different, almost as though it was someone else with her voice. 'But at least my sister finally has someone caring about her. Even if she was the second choice.'

I swallowed deeply; my heart hammering against my chest. I could feel the pricks in my eyes, the sign of tears starting to form but none came. Yet.

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