Stefan - Truth Will Out Part 2

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(gif not mine!)


Ever have that feeling when you wake up where your eyes feeling like they've been left in the Sahara Desert for a year? Well, that's the only thing I could feel when I woke up that morning. My eyes were dry and felt incredibly huge.

I gingerly rubbed sleep from them as I slowly sat up in bed; my untamed hair going in all directions on top of my head whilst every bone in my body clicked and creaked at my movement. I slowly dragged my hands through my hair, shaking off the duvet that was wrapped around me as I did.

Reluctantly, I turned my head to my bedside table to see 11:36 in bright green on my digital clock. I groaned as I fell back onto the sea of pillows. With the amount of alcohol I had consumed the previous night, I was surprised to find that I hadn't got a headache. However, the events of the night were still a blur.

Leaning over on my side, I reached to my bedside table and picked up my black IPhone, carefully turning it over to the front for fear of seeing how many messages I had and who from. I sighed as I saw I had ten missed calls from Caroline, three from Tyler, probably from Car's command, one from Bonnie and one from Elena. But, what surprised me even more was the text message from Stefan.

I bit my lip as I slid the bubble across, quickly typing in my password only to type it another three times due to doing it too fast. Just as the message had popped up, Caroline's picture appeared on the screen; a green button and red button on either bottom corner of the screen. I contemplated ignoring the call but out of desire to find out what had happened between Car and Tyler, I pressed the green.

'What the hell happened to you?!' she screeched causing me to pull the phone away from my face for a few seconds till I was sure that she was done.

'Sorry, Car, didn't quite hear you. What did you say?' I asked, holding back a smile as Caroline shouted down the phone at how inconsiderate I was and how she was worried about me. 'So, when did you notice that I had left? Was it before or after Tyler took you upstairs?'

For a brief moment, the line went quiet. I bit my lip hard to try and stop myself from laughing but I knew that, despite my attempts, Caroline would still be able to tell what I was doing. 'How do you know about that?'

'I saw Tyler take you up to his room! We even spoke about it before he did it!' I laughed.

'Oh,' she said simply causing me to laugh even more. 'Look, before you ask, because I know what you're like, no, nothing happened between us. I woke up in his bed, he made me breakfast, we talked and we're going to meet up later to discuss everything. Does that cover all your questions?' she asked and I knew that she would have her unimpressed face on with one hand on her hip as she spoke. I almost asked her if she did but backed out for fear of her getting even more pissed off at me.

'Yep. I think you covered it all,' I replied with a grin as I snuggled deeper into my bed of pillows.

'Good. Now that that's all done, why don't you tell me what the hell happened to you last night!'

I sighed as I rubbed my fingers over my brows in attempt to erase the permanent frown from my face. 'It's complicated.'

'I explained my situation pretty well so try.'

I laughed quietly before groaning in defeat. I gave her a brief outline of what happened and what was said. Once I was finished, her end of the line went silent for all of five seconds before an ear piercing scream erupted from the small speaker on the phone. 'You told him?!'

'Yeah,' I replied sheepishly.

'What the hell did you do that for?!' she screeched. 'What did you think would happen? That he would dump Elena there and then?! Are you out of your freaking mind?!'

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