Kol - Helping Hand

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Imagine being drunk and getting in an argument with Elena before Kol comes to save you (gif not mine!)


'I can't believe you!' laughed Bonnie as she took another swig from the bottle that was being passed round.

'It was one time! God, you guys are making me feel like I'm Christian Grey or something!' Caroline laughed as she took the bottle from Bonnie, taking a huge swig before passing it onto me.

'I think even Mr Grey would be embarrassed to do what you did,' I said with a straight face as I finished the nowhere near empty bottle. Caroline gave me a light shove causing me to fall off the sofa, making everyone burst out laughing. 'Look! Even that proves she's an animal,' I said with a smirk as I stumbled getting up.

'Oh, shut up! Like you haven't done some despicable things in your past,' she said with a wink causing the rest of the group to look at me with curious eyes.

'I haven't, actually! I'm as innocent as the colour pink,' I said with a sweet smile before stumbling over to the glass cabinet of alcohol. Pulling a large bottle of whisky from the shelf, I turned round and gave a devious smirk to the group. 'Then again, we all have our secrets,' I said with a wink before breaking the seal on the bottle and taking a swig.

'Give me that!' said Tyler with a slightly amused look. 'You're already drunk enough as it is.'

Rolling my eyes, I followed Tyler back to the little circle before slumping down on the floor against the large sofa. 'Have you ever even stayed over at someone's house?' asked Caroline once I was on the floor, taking the bottle from Tyler.

'Yes...' I slurred. 'Of course! That one night when we had a sleepover at Elena's,' I said with a smirk as I grabbed the bottle from Caroline, taking a quick sip before Matt could take it from me.

'I mean a guys house.'

'Yeah! Loads of times!'

'Oh yeah?' Matt said with a smirk. 'Who's house?'

'Urmm...well...there was-'

'You've never slept over?!' Caroline exclaimed. I didn't need to turn round to see that her eyes were jumping out of their sockets.

'Not everyone's a slut, Caroline,' I said a bit too forcefully but she didn't notice.

'Oh my God! We need to change that! Give me your phone!' she giggled as she reached over to grab my phone from its place on the coffee table.

'No!' I laughed, grabbing it quickly and standing up, trying desperately not to fall over. I saw that everyone was looking at me with bemused eyes as though I would actually call someone and arrange it. 'I'm not going to call someone! Besides, I don't even have any guys on my phone!'

'Well, apart from me, Ty and Jeremy,' said Matt with a smirk.

'And the Salvatore's but, they're off limits,' said Tyler with a wink at Elena who just frowned. Suddenly, the air changed as Elena began to shout at Tyler for his accusation. Caroline was trying to decide whose side to be on, eventually choosing Tyler's as his opinion was the same as hers, Bonnie and Matt were just sitting there quietly drinking as I twisted my phone in my hand.

I had completely zoned out of the conversation till I heard Elena mention my name. 'Come on, Caroline. She couldn't even get either of them even if they were both drunk!'

My head whipped up and suddenly I was on my feet, a mere few inches from Elena's face. 'What did you just say?' I asked in disbelief.

'It's not that you couldn't get them! It's just-'

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