Stefan - Truth Will Out

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Imagine Stefan being your best friend and crush


'Blue or pink?' Caroline asked, holding up a pink strappy top in one hand against her face whilst the other held a long sleeved blue one.

'Pink,' I answered without even lifting my eyes from the book I was reading.

I heard Caroline emit an exasperated sigh before my book was ripped from my hands. 'Can you at least pretend to care about this?'

'Why should I?' I sighed as I reached over the edge of the bed to pick the book up from where Caroline had dropped it.

''Why should you?'' she exclaimed, ripping the book from my hands again though this time, throwing it out of the window. I slowly lifted my eyes to her face only to see it covered in panic. 'Your friend is having a crisis and all you can do is read a stupid book!'

'I said the pink one, didn't I?'

'Yes but-' Caroline started; giving a large sigh before falling onto my bed.

'You're worried about Tyler being there, right?' I asked, finally sitting up from lying on my stomach.

Caroline breathed a quiet laugh. 'That obvious?' she asked, turning to face.

'I can just read people well. Especially you,' I replied, giving her a sympathetic smile. 'Look,' I started, turning my body to face her. 'I know I'm not a very emotional person and I know that I act like I don't care about things like what colour suits you best.' Caroline laughed quietly as a lone tear fell from her eye. I wrapped my arm round her, letting her rest her head on my shoulder as I continued. 'But, I want you to know that I'm here for you. No matter what. Besides,' I said, rising from the bed to pick up the pink top that she had left draped across my dressing table stool. 'You can do so much better than Tyler and the amount of guys you pick up tonight will prove it.'

Caroline laughed as she sat up from my bed, taking the top from me. 'You really think I can pick up a guy?'

'Of course!' I exclaimed before walking to my walk-in wardrobe. 'You're the Caroline Forbes! Only an idiot would turn you down!' I continued to speak as I searched through my wardrobe till my eyes landed on a gorgeous pair of black skinny jeans. I held them up to Caroline with a grin on my face. 'And we're going to prove that Tyler is exactly that.'

'You're insane,' Caroline laughed as she took the jeans and proceeded to walk into my en suite. 'What about you, anyway? Any guys caught your eye?'

I laughed loudly as I fell backwards onto my bed. 'Nope. None. I'm so boring.'

Caroline gave a bark of laughter from the bathroom. 'There must be someone! There always is with you and your flirty attitude!'

I gasped as I shot upright. 'I do not flirt, Car! And, even if I did, I must have picked it up from you!'

Caroline laughed as she walked out of my bathroom; her legs looking exceptionally long in the black jeans and heeled boots that she had put on. 'You and I both know that you're lying! You flirt with everyone! Especially Stefan! Which brings me to the question,' she started, turning to face me. 'What the hell is happening with you two? You guys act all flirty and coupley all the time!' she exclaimed before turning back to the mirror.

I gave an awkward laugh as I fiddled with a lose thread on the sleeve of my jumper. 'It's nothing. He's going out with Elena and me and him have been friends for years. It's just a friend thing.'

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