Klaus Mikaelson - A Rekindled Flame

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Imagine that you arrive in Mystic Falls by recommendation yet you bump into a very old flame

A/N: This was a requested one shot! Though there wasn't much to go on, I hope this was what you wanted! Don't forget to keep requests coming and to vote and comment!

Warnings: language, blood and gore, angst, heated moments (?) 

(gif not mine!)


You had just about drained every human on the bus by the time you reached the boarder of the infamous Virginian town that was Mystic Falls. You hadn't even gotten off the bus, yet you could smell the fresh, non city air that was mixed with blood.

Grabbing your bag from a few seats back where you had left it so that you could feast on one of the last surviving humans on the little night bus, you scraped the few specs of blood from the corner of your lips.

''Scuse me,' you huffed as you hoisted your bag onto your shoulder. Carefully, you dodged the dead bodies and pools of blood that dotted the floor of the bus. 'Thanks for the ride, sweetie,' you called to the bus driver; the middle aged man's head resting on the steering wheel at an odd angle; his eyes frozen open. At least he hadn't died in fear. You only killed if you needed to. In that instance, you had a needed a source of entertainment.

Stepping out of the bus and into the hot afternoon sun, you took in a few deep breaths. It had been a long journey from Jacksonville, North Carolina to Virginia. The first thing on your list of priorities was to go out and explore your new destination; a place that a friend of a friend had recommended to you. Something about it being the place for vampires.

Just as you were about to set off down the road to the quaint little town, you looked down; a quick check of your appearance to make sure the local people didn't go running for the hills or worse, their crosses and garlic.

'Shit.' Your clothes were drenched in blood. You were surprised that you didn't notice it earlier but everything had stunk of blood in the tin can bus.

Dropping your bag to the ground, you dug around, searching for anything that didn't scream 'I am the undead'. 'Bugger, bugger, bugger!' you hissed. You had forgot to pack any clothes in your rush to leave the city. All that was in your bag was: a pair of shoes; a skull; a few books and; a wad of cash. At least you could buy something, not that you needed to what with your vampire assets.

Your head whipped to the left; the faint rumble of an engine a few miles away making the muscles in the back of your next relax. Looking down, you tried to think of what to do. There was no way that any passer by would pick you up in bloodied clothes, especially when what would seem like a broken down bus was beside you. You shrugged. All you had to do was get close enough to compel the driver.

As the car drew nearer, you could hear the faint out of tune singing of a man. You couldn't believe your luck. Grinning to yourself, you pulled your top down so that it revealed a large amount of your cleavage and the top of your bra.

Slowly, you picked up your bag, moving around the bus before sticking out your hand; the car just turning round the corner as you did.

You put on your most flirtatious smile as the balding 40ish year old man pulled up beside you; his window already rolled down. 'Hi there,' he drawled; his southern accent evident in his words. 'Is everything alright?' he asked, gesturing to the bus.

'Well, you see,' you leaned down so that your arms could rest on the window frame of the car. You didn't want to use compulsion on the guy. Not because you felt guilty but because, where was the fun? 'My bus driver wouldn't drive all the way into town as I'm the only one. There isn't any chance you could give me a lift is there?' you asked; your eyelashes fluttering as you bit your lip.

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