Jason Dilaurentis - Late Night Secrets Part 3

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A/N: Hey guys - hope you enjoy this chapter! It's taken me long to write so would really appreciate the feedback!

Also, little note, I've been thinking about adding Harry Potter things to this little Dribs and Drabs. Would that be something that you guys would be interested in? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Warnings: language, mention of panic attack, angst

(gif not mine!)


I didn't dream after the incident. I was thankful for that. God only knows what terrible nightmares my brain would have concocted. Instead, my mind drifted along chess boards, black coats and broken hearts. Thinking back to it, maybe it was a nightmare. But nightmares always make you want to wake up. This time, I didn't. I knew that, when the inevitable came, the heartache I was dreaming of would be real. And so much worse. Even more painful than that grip around my neck.

Thankfully, I didn't have long to wonder.

You would have thought that, after everything that had happened, it would have taken a lot to wake me up. Maybe the voices were too close for me to sleep. Or too loud.

When I woke up, it wasn't with a gasp for air like so many actresses do in films. It wasn't with a soft groan either. My eyelids simply popped open like I had only closed them for a brief moment yet the ache in my neck told me different. Though that might have been because of the attack. Was it an attack?

I didn't need to look round to know that I was in hospital. The overly clean stench and lumpy bed were evidence enough. I wanted to get out. Out of the bed, out of the hospital, out of Rosewood. But, in the midst of my starting panic attack, my ears pricked at the sound of what seemed to the start of an incredibly heated argument.

'What did I tell you, huh? I told you not to go anywhere near her. You have some kind of death wish, kid?' That was dad. That much I was sure.

'You can't keep me from seeing her.' My body almost lurched. For a moment, I thought it was Jason that my father was speaking to but it couldn't have been. Though my brain was fuzzy, I could still remember the last time we had spoke. 'I just...I can't do this.' If Jason had said that then, why was he there?

My dad scoffed. 'Wanna bet?'

'You don't have the right! She's an adult! You can't control her life!'

'I can do whatever I want. And I'm not going to have some creepy frat boy go within breathing distance of my daughter. You think that this town will let you stay here? After all the shit that has happened with your family? These townspeople are holding their torches and pitchforks towards you and whatever is left of your mishap of a family and they, I, will not be held responsible for my actions where you are concerned.'

If I wasn't wired up, I would have jumped from my bed and walked right outside to where they both were. I didn't do anything to defend Jason the last time my father shouted at him like that but I'd be damned if I let it happen again. But, unlike last time, my father had met his match.

'I'm sorry you feel that way, sir, but I can't...No...I refuse to listen to this any longer. I am in love with your daughter. Yes, I accept the fact that the age difference between us isn't desirable but, the truth is sir, I don't care and neither does she. She is 18 years old and therefore no longer a minor. I know my family has not had a perfect track record but has any? I care a lot for your daughter and seeing her here made me realise that I would never let that happen to her again. If I hadn't tried to do what was right, I would have been with her last night, stopping this attack from happening.

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