Kai Parker - Empathy for the Devil

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Request: Imagine being a Salvatore and helping Kai deal with his new emotions. When he has a close call with death, he realises his true feelings towards you

Warnings: blood, language, mentions of suicide, violence

A/N: This will be a 3 part series based on a request! Hope you guys enjoy!

(gif not mine!) 


You were running down the corridor, pausing every few steps to listen to the faint chatter; the only clue as to where they were. You were close. Just down the corridor and round the corner. Even a human would be able to hear them now.

'I've gotta hand it to you. You surprised me. I almost expected to see the other Salvatore here to save your damsel. Or what was his damsel... I can't quite remember. There was a lot of shit I didn't listen to when Damon opened his mouth. His love triangle being one of them.'

You had reached the final corner. You waited, listening to the breaths of four others. You couldn't make your move yet. You had to wait for the perfect moment when the others could get away.

You listened to Jo run off down the corridor. She was safe. All that was left was Damon and Elena.

'Where's Elena?' Scratch that.

'Oh! Are we not cloaking people anymore?' Kai asked in a mocking tone. 'I thought that's what this was.'

It all happened instantly: Damon running down the corridor in your direction in an attempt, you assumed, to get Kai; a whistle and then someone struggling to breathe.

'That's gotta hurt. I'm definitely getting the hang of this. Cloaking spells; illusions. You know; it's all the same wheelhouse.'

You listened to Elena drop to the floor before someone else joined her. You assumed it was Damon. That was when you walked around the corridor; just in time to see Kai turning his back to, what you assumed, follow after Jo.

'That's probably not a good idea,' you called down the hallway; Damon turning his head whilst he lay on the floor in disbelief that you were there. He had told you not to come, after all.

You watched as Kai slowly turned around; his face slightly taken aback when his eyes landed on you. He smiled. 'And who might you be?'

'The other other Salvatore.'

Kai paused for a moment; seemingly taking in the new piece of information. 'Interesting. I assume you're here for Elena, too,' he said; his head gesturing towards her crumpled body on the floor. 'You know; considering all the Salvatore's have something for her.'

It was your time to smile. 'Something like that.'

He didn't have time to react. The dagger you threw went straight into his shoulder; only the hilt visible. He stood there in shock before falling to the ground. Alaric quickly moved from his place behind the corner; a long, thin needle in his hand which he plunged into Kai's neck. You kept the witch's stare until he lost consciousness.


You smelt the blood from the end of the driveway. It wasn't an unusual scent when you were around the boarding house, especially when both of your brothers went through their episodes of going off the rails. But, that wasn't what made you run. It was Damon calling out a name in a worried tone: Kai's. That was enough to spark your curiosity, and panic.

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