Neal Caffrey - Collateral Damage

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A/N: Hey guys - Hope you enjoy this one shot! Even though I am about to start writing a Kai one shot, I wanted to ask you all what or who you would like to see in the next few one shots! It doesn't have to be a request I would just love to know who you guys would like to see next! You can either comment or message me but otherwise I will just write whatever comes to mind!

Imagine you pickpocket Neal and then you realise he's working with the FBI

(gif not mine!)


The sound of screeching metal made me raise my head to the door. He was wearing a hardened expression, something in all my hundreds of trips I had never seen before. The fifty something man was usually sweet, humorous even. He would always greet me with a disappointed smile and a trace of amusement in his eyes. After a quick 'I don't want to see you here again', he would give me a smile and that would be that. But this time was different. There was no amusement. Just disappointment and a father like look. It was like he was a completely different man.

'Out.' His curt tone made my almost hopeful smile drop completely off the face of the earth. Uncrossing my legs, I slowly sat up from the little bed. Almost cautiously, I walked through the little gap that was open before he slammed the door shut. He didn't look at me again. He simply walked along the corridor and through the door into the front entrance of the police station.

'About time!' I rolled my eyes as Charlie embraced me in a hug. 'I was beginning to think that they would never let us out of here,' he muttered before pulling away. 'Officer Krupke,' said Charlie, addressing the officer that brought me out of the cell. 'Once again, it was a pleasure and we'll hopefully never see you again.'

Just as Charlie had grabbed my hand to pull me away, the officer placed his hands on both of our shoulders. 'My office.'

Charlie moaned loudly, earning the attention of the other cops in the station before dragging his feet into the little room off to the side.

When we were both sat down, Officer Duval slammed the door shut. My heart jumped as he walked to the opposite side of the table, placing his hands on the desk. 'This is the fifth time this week that you've both been locked up in here.'

'Relax,' said Charlie, leaning back in his chair. 'At least we're only here for a short visit.'

'Do you think this is funny?' Duval asked; his voice slightly rising. Charlie closed his mouth, swallowing his retort. Duval sighed. 'I've been bailing you guys out since you were thirteen. Haven't you two learned yet that you both are just shy of a indefinite stay in federal prison?'

'That's why we have you to bail us out,' said Charlie with a smirk.

'Not anymore.'

'What?' Charlie asked; his face suddenly white with fear.

'I'm not going to be bailing you two out anymore. This is your final warning. If I see you guys in here again, I'm going to be signing your papers myself.'

'You can't do that! Not after all the times you've been-'

'I can and I will. I won't put my life on the line for you two anymore. You're on your own.'

With that, he opened his office door and stared us out. I let my eyes hug the floor as Charlie tugged on my hand, pulling me out of the building, down the steps and into Central Park.

'I can't believe him!' huffed Charlie. He let go of my hand as soon as we walked into park, kicking his feet into the ground as we walked. 'He's been looking after us for, what, ten years and now he decides to stop?'

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