Stefan Salvatore - Anchor Part 2

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(gif not mine!)


I could feel the laughter bubbling in my throat before it escaped my lips. It wasn't intentional. It just sort of...came out. It wasn't even something that would make you think 'that's hysterical', and yet there I was, sitting shotgun in Stefan's car, practically laughing my ass off.

'Oh my...I can't...You're serious?' My abs were starting to hurt. I turned my head to look at Stefan who gave me an amused expression with raised brows. The fact that Stefan found it amusing somehow made me stop. 'You're serious.'

'Welcome to your new home for the next 48 hours,' Stefan said with a smirk before pulling himself from the car. The Porsche shook with the force of him slamming the door. The feeling shook me out of my confused state, leading to me opening the door before staring across the roof at Stefan with an incredulous look.

'You're serious?' My voice was high, verging on a banshee like screech. I watched as Stefan easily lifted my bags from the trunk, walking towards the building.

'Relax. It's only 48 hours.'

'It's a cabin. In the woods.'

Stefan simply turned round to give me a smirk before walking up the porch steps and into the wooden cabin.

I sighed in exasperation, dragging a hand through my hair as I looked round at the wooded area surrounding me. After living your immortal life in cities with signal, returning to a place that resembled the time in which you were born almost seemed like a sick joke.

'You're just pulling my leg, right?' I shouted as I slowly walked up the steps into the heart of the cabin; my face still a mask of disbelief.

'Nope. This is where you're training will take place,' Stefan sang as he moved my bags into one of the rooms off the side of the main one. 'Best part about it,' Stefan said as he walked out of the room; his phone in his hand. 'No service.'

'I thought I said I needed help with the blood thing, not my relationship with nature,' I moaned as I landed hard onto the only couch in the room. I was surprised the crappy place even had one considering the lack of any other furniture in the room. Not that two vampires would be needing a stove and a fridge.

'Think of it as part of the experience.'

I gave a grunt of annoyance, folding my arms across my chest. Stefan moved to squat in front of me; sadness clouding his eyes. 'I know these last few weeks have been hard but it will all help.'

'I thought being able to control myself around humans would involve, you know, actually being around them.'

Stefan laughed quietly. 'We already tried that, remember? And you almost bit Matt's head off.'

'Yeah well...' I sighed as I let my back fall against the couch. Memories of how I almost completely lost it with Matt were flooding through my head, reminding me of why I was there. Even though I barely knew Matt, I couldn't let myself get like that again. That was the monster side of me. A side that only Lexi had seen before. Perhaps it was a side that would never go away.

The heat on my cheeks made me look up to see Stefan staring into my eyes; his hands cupping my cheeks. 'I'll help you get through this, okay?'

The thing about the bloodlust is that it made every single one of your emotions go nuts. You didn't know whether you felt what you felt because you had such a craving for blood or because you imagined that you could smell blood even though you were miles away from any human or simply because you were losing it. In that moment, my emotions were going beyond crazy. But, that's what happens when an incredibly attractive vampire was stroking your skin and staring into your soul.

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