Jake Riley - Trying Times

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Imagine you and Jake are stuck in the cordon and have to go undercover in order to recover some important files. The only problem is: you have to pretend to be a couple with your best friend

Warnings: fluff, little bit of embarrassment and awkwardness, probable swearing, in an environment with a deadly virus (think that's it?)

A/N: Hey guys - it's been a while! This request is from a wonderful follower (and friend) so hope you all enjoy it! Don't forget to keep sending in requests! 

Concerning the Kai Parker story, it is coming along (though slowly!) I've just done the last leg of research so now I'll start editing the chapters I have and then they should hopefully be posted within a month!

Also don't forget to vote, comment and request!

Once again, thank you so much guys for taking the time to vote, comment and even read my stuff! Means the absolute world to me!!

And, just to make it official, I now write Containment one shots! Woo :')

(gif not mine!)


'Do... Do you think... Jeez... Do you think we could stop...like...now?'

All you could see was his perfect teeth glistening in the hot Atlanta sun as he turned back to face you. 'Why?'

You scoffed. 'Erm, because I can no longer feel anything below the abs that I should have gained from doing this and because... Shit, Riley, can we just stop? Please?'

Jake laughed before stopping. There was an obvious sweat line on his grey tank top around the collar as well as faint drops of sweat on his forehead. This contrasted what you believed you looked like. You could feel the large pools of sweat drip from your brow line and into your eyes, making you blink hard. Every part of you was dripping, even places that you didn't know could sweat. So, whilst you were hunched over (your hands on your knees as you tried to gain your breath back), Jake Riley was simply stood next to you like he had just walked up a flight of stairs as opposed to running what had felt like the entirety of the city.

'Come on, Rookie,' he joked, patting you hard on your back. Instinctively, you waved your hand behind you: a feeble attempt to hit his hand. The cop simply laughed. 'This wasn't too hard. We had to run this in order to pass the entrance exam.'

'That was five years ago, you ass,' you puffed. 'A lot has happened in that time.'

'What, like all those doughnuts you ate?'

This time, you didn't bother trying to blindly hit your partner. Instead of waving your arm behind you in hope of hitting him, you lifted yourself up, turned round, and aimed for a hard punch to his gut which, annoyingly, he had already seen coming.

Jake had his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist. With a quick smirk twist, your arm was behind your back with Jake pressed close against your back. 'Get off me, you pig,' you huffed as you struggled to get out of his grip.

'Nope,' he laughed. 'You're on your own, Rookie.' He leant in close to your ear; his hot breath tickling your skin. 'Think of this as redoing your entrance exam. How would you get out of this?'

You growled, trying to think of all of your training. In all honesty, it shouldn't have been that difficult. All you had to do was stamp hard enough on his foot, kick the weight out from the other leg and then push backwards. Of course, when it's an actual attack, you'd have been fine, but when it was Jake, it was a little difficult to focus.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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