Kol Mikaelson - Friends and Other People

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Imagine it's your birthday party and you find a secret admirer

A/N: Now, to the person who requested this - I am so sorry it has taken me so long to write! I knew what to write but I didn't know how to put it into words so I am deeply sorry for the time it has taken me! I just hope you enjoy it :) 

And don't forget to keep sending in these requests!

Warnings: language, underage drinking

(gif not mine!)


'And so, if it weren't for this strange yet amazing girl, I wouldn't be the guy I am today. So, it would bring me great pleasure, and her great embarrassment, if you could all raise your glasses to the birthday girl.'

The campus bar filled with cheers and clinks of glass as everyone chanted my name. I gave an awkward smile to the room before taking a sip from my own drink, waiting for my best friend to walk across the room and to my side.

I was never a fan of birthday parties. Especially my own. I found them awkward and embarrassing, mainly when speeches were involved. But, he had insisted and who could say no to Matt Donovan?

It was the first birthday that I had celebrated in Mystic Falls since I had moved. Matt had been my neighbour until my mum, all those years ago, decided the the little Virginian town was no longer suitable for our family. That could have been due to the supernatural heavy population or the fact that my father died there. I was never really sure.

Still, when the time had come for me to choose a university, I couldn't help but pick Whitmore College. It's where my mum went, it was where my other long time friends were going to go to and it was near my home town.

I was, however, unfortunate to not find a dorm that I could share with Elena, Bonnie and Caroline. Instead, I had to share a flat with six strangers. Thankfully, they were all human and just as insane as I was.

Jared, Bobby and Alec were all drinkers. Some would even go as far as calling them alcoholics. Jess was too sweet for her own good and Diana was a female, human version of Damon Salvatore.

At first, I thought it was going to be a small gathering of my flat mates and my old friends. Turns out, Matt had a little bit of help from Caroline when it came to planning the party as it seemed that the entire student body had turned up at the bar.

Still, the night was a success.

'Matt, that speech was amazing,' gushed Elena once Matt had made his way over to the little gathering of my flat mates and the Mystic Falls gang.

'Yeah. Truly inspiring,' Tyler laughed.

'Well, as long as my girl is embarrassed as hell, I don't care what you guys say.' Matt walked around the group to wrap his arms around me.

'I was thoroughly embarrassed. Especially when you brought out that ice cream story.'

Matt laughed causing his body to rumble against mine. 'I couldn't not mention that.'

'Whatever. But thank you. That speech was so sweet,' I said, pulling Matt closer to my body so that his arms tightened around me.

'Anything for you.'

As both groups smiled and made gushing noises, Matt and I pulled away; our cheeks aflame with red.

'Alright. Enough of this sappiness. Now it's time to bring out the drinks and the games!' announced Tyler making us all cheer.

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