Ben Wheeler - Complicated Misunderstandings

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Imagine that you met Ben at a house party a few years ago but he never called you back. A few years later, you bump into him and find that the flame is still there

A/N: Hey guys! First time writing for Ben Wheeler from Baby Daddy so hope you guys like it! I wasn't intending to make this into two parts but I got kind of carried away so the next thing I post will be the second part!

Keep sending your requests in guys! Also, once I have finished writing the stuff on my list, I'm going to start working on my Kai Parker short story so keep your eyes peeled in the coming weeks!

Also, I must ask: do you guys like the length of the one shots? Are they too long or too short or just right? Let me know please!!

Warnings: language, drunken antics, 

(gif not mine!) - Sorry it doesn't really fit the one shot! Best one I could find!


' if you don't come with me I will burn all of your Elvis CDs!'

Your ears pricked up at this as you listened to your two flatmates arguing from the kitchen. You laughed to yourself as you placed your headphones back into your ears only, this time, leaving one out so that you could listen to the rest of the fight.

'You wouldn't dare...'

'Oh, I think we both know that I absolutely would... I love a good old game of dares.'

'If you go anywhere near my Elvis CDs, I'll... I'll...' As you waited for Hannah's threat, you paused Bob Dylan so that you could listen to her response easily. 'I'll call your mum and tell her how many men you've slept with since moving here.'

You heard Becky gasp. 'You wouldn't...'

'Oh, I don't know. I love a good old game of dares.'

You chose this moment to leap from your bed; laptop and music forgotten, as you dived out of your room and into the corridor and, from what you saw, just in time, too. You came out to see Hannah and Becky staring each other down, though for Becky, she had to strain her neck so that she could look up into Hannah's eyes. 'Another domestic, ladies?'

Hannah turned her stare onto you though, as her eyes met yours, they softened. 'Little Miss Penis Lover over here wants us to go to a house party tonight.'

'Stop using height as an insult!' she scolded before muttering 'heightist'.

Both you and Hannah tried to hide your smiles. 'Anyway,' Hannah continued with a roll of her eyes, 'It's being thrown by 3 'hard core lads',' she said, lowering her voice in order to clearly take the piss out of the boys, 'one of which, missy here has a crush on.'

'I don't have a crush on him!' exclaimed Becky, almost as though she was a toddler having a tantrum. 'He's just cute...'

'Oh, 'just cute'?' you mimicked with a smirk which quickly fell from your lips as Becky made a lunge to hit you on your arm.

'Okay,' she sighed. 'He did some sort of internship at the office like a month ago. I gave him my number...' On seeing both yours and Hannah's 'I'm not buying it' look, she rolled her eyes. 'I slipped my number into his pocket, alright? Fucking sue me.'

'Get to the point, Becks,' you said, already missing your warm bed and music.

With a glare in your direction, she continued. 'He texted me the other day saying that his flatmates brother is moving in and they're having a party to celebrate.'

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