Dean Winchester - Girl with the Devil's Number Part 3

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A/N: Hey guys! I know the last part of this was pretty awful so hopefully this one will make up for it! It has taken me just over 5 straight hours to write so I would really appreciate it if I could get some feedback!


Dean couldn't have looked less interested even if he tried. Sam was tending to a wound on the older hunters head, who was giving me the same BS look as Dean. Sam seemed to be the only one who was truly listening.

'Will you help me, then?' I asked; my temper rising.

'I knew you black eyed freaks were crazy but this? This is a whole new level of freak,' laughed Dean.

'Look at it this way,' I said, jumping out of my seat to lean on the arms of his; my face a few inches away. 'If you don't help me find this bloody book and burn it in the pits of hell, my family will get their hands on it and only Lucifer knows what they will do with it.'

'You mean to tell us that your so called family haven't said what they're going to do when you find this piece of crap?' asked the eldest hunter, Bobby.

'Not all family share their secrets with each other,' I replied, giving a sly look towards Dean whose eyes were sending daggers at me. 'What I do know is whatever Kyle has planned, it's not going to be good for anyone,' I finished, standing up straight from Dean's chair.

'Which is why you've taken it upon yourself to stop whatever it is from happening,' sighed Bobby. I watched as he gave a quick look to the Winchesters, not knowing whether to believe me or not.

The room went silent as everyone's minds worked; frozen either standing or sitting. It was only when Dean's chair creaked at being free from his weight did everyone seem to regain movement.

The three of us watched as Dean grabbed the duffle bag beside the chair. Once stood up, he turned to face the rest of us. 'Well? Are you coming or not?'

'You're actually going to help me?' I asked, raising my brow with a smug smile on my lips. 'A hunter helping a demon. How-'

'Don't remind me of what you are,' said Dean with icy eyes. 'It'll just make me wonder why I haven't killed you yet.'

'Is your brother always this charming?' I asked with a fake smile as I looked at Sam who simply looked back at me with an expressionless face and angry eyes. 'Ah, don't be so angry, Sammy. Everyone has days when they get tricked by demons.'

'Don't call me Sammy,' he spat.

'If we're going to do this, can you not talk to my brother?'

I sighed as I turned back to face Dean. 'Are you jealous that Sammy's getting all the demon attention?' I asked with a smirk. Dean took an intimidating step towards me, but all I did was tilt my head so that I could keep his stare.

'Alright, enough of the dick competition,' said Bobby yet neither of us moved. 'The book you're looking for is in Wichita, Kansas. A hunter back in the 70s took it from a warehouse in Atlanta from-'

'Azazel.' Each of the hunters looked at me in shock which I shook off with a shrug. 'You can now see why I don't want Kyle to get the book.'

'Okay...Sam, you stay here and help Bobby find a way to destroy this book-'

'Hang on; I thought I was going to destroy it my way!'

Dean gave a bark of humourless laughter. 'Not a chance, princess.' With that, he walked out of the room with the duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

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