Klaus Mikaelson - A Wolf and A Mouse

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Imagine you try to hunt down Klaus for revenge but it turns into something else

A/N: Hey guys - long time! I know I haven't written in ages but I am still very much active on this website so just send me a request and I will try and get it written ASAP!

Also, this is my first time writing Klaus and also a Klaus smut so feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Warnings: smut, language (probably), fighting

(gif not mine!)


'Klaus!' you screamed; your voice echoing through the alleyway. Slowly, the vampires head turned to face you; a single eyebrow raised. 'I will end you. I will never stop hunting you down until you're ash in the wind.'

Klaus grinned. 'I look forward to it, little mouse.' With a sickening crack, your brother's head was ripped clean off his body.

Your screams filled the night air as you were thrown to the ground; the Original's henchmen walking past with sadistic grins on their faces as they left you in the alleyway; your brother's body lying a few metres away; his head sitting a little closer.

As you beat at the ground with your fist; your voice becoming hoarse through your cries, you made a promise to yourself; you would not rest until you held Klaus' heart in your hand.

16 months later

You were prepared for this. You had to be. You had been training with the greatest just so that you could finish what was started.

It wasn't your intention to start a war with the Original hybrid. You had thought it would be a quick job; a get in and out kind of thing. You had never been more wrong.

You and your brother had been training with the group of elite hunters since you were eight. You knew everything there was to know about the things that went bump in the night. You had even been deemed one of the best; something that you took pride on considering all of the other hunters were at least in their thirties and had muscles that made them the size of houses.

The job had been simple; there had been a mass number of killings in the New Orleans area which had hunters all across the states freaked out. Your brother and you, along with a few skilful others, had been charged with getting rid of the threat. You knew that this wasn't an ordinary vampire, but you still had the confidence that it would be a quick job.

You had barely been there for a few hours before two of your hunters ended up dead. As the night went on, the remaining few went leaving just you and your brother. Though your brother was only a few minutes older than you, he seemed to think that he knew better.

You both walked blindly into a trap, where your brother ended up losing his head and you lost everything that had ever mattered to you.

You didn't go back to the hunters after that. Instead, you travelled knowing full well that the next time you met the vampire, it would end differently.

You found the group of the greatest hunters, some descendants from The Five, supposedly, in Europe, where you spent a year training to be better than you had ever thought. After that, you came back, looking for any clue as to where Klaus Mikaelson would be.

Four months later, there you were; standing on the balcony of the Mikaelson manor with a bag of weapons by your side and a crossbow in your hand.

You knew that, since he was an Original, it would be incredibly hard to defeat him, or even leave a mark on him. You needed the White Oak stake or one of the daggers to truly get rid of him and they weren't easy to come by. You just hoped that you'd happen to come across them in the manor otherwise decapitation would just have to do the trick.

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