Kai - Necks and Debts

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Based off theimaginevampirediaries:

Imagine saving Kai from the 1903 prison world only to learn he's a vampire and allowing him to feed from you which causes him to leave a Mate Mark on you sealing you both as Mates & Imagine waking up next to Kai

Warnings: blood drinking, violence, fluff, language

(gif not mine)


'This is a get in, get out job, okay? You get the amulet, find the ascendant then get the hell out of dodge.'

'Well, that's not asking for much, is it?'

'I've got every bit of faith in you.' His thumbs stroked the tops of my arms. Gently pulling me forward, he placed a kiss on my cheek. 'Now, go get 'em tiger.'


It's never easy portal jumping into a prison world, especially when you know that there will be a very pissed of leader of the Gemini Coven on the other side. That and a bunch of dormant witch/vampire things. Yet, despite the danger, I had willingly volunteered to go head on into the prison and retrieve some sort of amulet that Jo and Bonnie needed for a protection spell. According to Damon, he had seen it lying on the desk in his mothers house, which just so happened to be in the prison world where Malachai Parker was locked away.

It's not that I was scared of him. On the contrary, I kind of liked him. I just could never show that I did. My allegiance was with Elena and the Salvatore's which, everyone knew, you could never betray. I liked them, don't get me wrong, it's just I didn't always agree with everything they did. For example, stabbing Kai in the back and leaving him in the prison world.

That's the only reason I volunteered to go to that place. I wanted to get him out. After all, I owed him my life.

'Hey,' Damon called as I zipped up my red jacket. I turned to face him as he walked down the steps towards me in his lounge. 'You need this.' He smirked as he held out the ascendant to me.

'How could I forget,' I said with a smile before taking it from him. 'You got the blood?'

Damon kept my eyes as he retrieved a vial of Bonnie's blood from his pocket. Gently, he unscrewed the cork and let a few drops fall to the relic.

I tried not to notice as he caught a drop of blood on the edge of the vial before placing it to his lips. Instead, I watched as all the little cogs clicked into place.

'I'm going to give you three hours before Bonnie and I come looking for you.'

I scoffed. 'Please. I can do a simple snatch and run without your help.'

'Oh, and by the way. Don't bring any excess baggage with you.'

I looked up to see Damon with a raised brow and a smirk. I rolled my eyes. We were lucky that there was a full moon that night. Jo had said that she needed the amulet as soon as possible but for reasons she didn't disclose.

I watched Damon wink at me before placing the vial into my coat pocket. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath as I held the ascendant in the palm of my hand. 'Sangiema, meum, et mos mundo, carcerima. Sangiema, meum, et mos mundo, carcerima...'

I continued to chant, losing myself to the magic. I had barely noticed that Damon had taken at least ten steps backwards before I was thrust into the 1903 prison world. More specifically, the snow on the ground.

'I'm never good at this bloody landing crap...' I muttered as I slowly pulled myself up, thankful that I hadn't given the snow enough time to sink through my jeans to my skin.

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