Neal Caffrey - A Dance and a Fight

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Imagines are based off whitecollarimagines on tumblr:

Imagine being forced to go in an undercover mission with Neal after a big fight & Imagine having to slap Neal during a con and loving every minute of it

(gif not mine)


'You could have gotten yourself killed!'

'Really? I had no idea!'

'God! Are you just so stupid that you really thought that that would have worked?'

'And here I thought you'd be thankful for me saving your ass!'

'Do you not care about yourself? Is that it?'

'Yeah, that's it Neal. You've hit the nail right on the head.'

'Don't be childish-'

'Oh, I'm sorry. The next time that you're in a life or death situation, I'll just call Alex. At least then you'll know that you have a reliable source to save you when the going gets tough.'

'Is that what this is about? Alex?'

'Hey, I'm not the one who got caught with their exes arms wrapped around my neck with their tongue down my throat!'

With heaving chests and cold glares, the room fell to silence. 'It wasn't like that. It was part of the job, okay-'

'Well thank God staying here in this place isn't mine!'

Every morning after a fight is always hard. You wake up, stay in blissful naivety for all of five seconds and then everything hits you like a ton of bricks. Not that anyone would know what that felt like.

The previous night with Neal was painful. We had never truly had any difficult or major arguments but the previous night was the worst. A job gone wrong.

Neal had told me to stay home, locked in the house but I didn't listen. He said that whatever happened, I was to stay there. I didn't listen.

I knew that there was a dangerous swap going on in central park at midnight. I knew that Neal was going to get killed if I didn't go. So I went.

It all obviously worked out for the best but Neal didn't think of it like that. Hence why I stormed out, slamming the door harder than I expected which resulted in one of June's priceless vases dropping to the floor from the shelf, before walking all the way to Peter's house.

Elizabeth was probably my closest friend in New York, second to Mozzie of course. She knew how much I cared for Neal, so much so that she even predicted that I would go after him on that case. I would have been surprised to see her with two cups of tea when I arrived at her house in the middle of the night if I hadn't known that she had seen this fight coming the second that Peter had told her what I had done.

We spoke about the fight for a good couple of hours, before she went off to bed, leaving me with the comfort of Satchmo and a blanket on the couch.

Peter wasn't surprised to see me in the morning, either. Instead, he gave me a sympathetic smile, handed me a cup of coffee before telling me that I had 20 minutes to get ready before work.

Despite being my boss, Peter Burke treated me like a niece. Not a daughter otherwise we wouldn't have been able to talk and joke about like the way we usually did. I think, if he had treated me like a daughter, he would have been angrier at my actions. Instead, he simply understood. He even went as far to say that he would have done the same, if it was El.

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