Jason Dilaurentis - Late Night Secrets

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Imagine sneaking out of the house to see Jason

Warnings: underage drinking, hinting at underage relationship (nothing explicit)


Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'shoot first, ask questions later'? It's something that many of my generation have chosen to live by recently. I never had and never would, though that Wednesday night seemed to prove different from most, for there I was, standing underneath my window at 3am, trying to figure out how to get back into the house without being caught.

I had never snuck out of the house before. Well, not really. There was this one time when Alison Dilaurentis was having a melt down over a boy. Because it was Alison, I wouldn't have snuck out at midnight. Not for her. She had gotten me into a whole load of trouble over the years that I was still paying for. But the fact that Alison Dilaurentis never had boy troubles ever, I couldn't resist.

Of course, sneaking out of the house that night wasn't too hard. My slightly oblivious father forgot to lock the back door and we didn't have alarms due to him believing that 'a town like Rosewoods' only criminal problem was underage drinking'. It was safe to say that two years later, when Alison's body was found, my father realised just how scary our little town could be.

Checking my watch as I stood underneath my open bedroom window, it was 3:04am. Though my father had become super overprotective with all the unknown messages and creeps around our little town, he had decided to leave the first and second floors of our house without alarms. That meant that I could easily climb from my window onto the tree and drop down with no difficulty. Or so I thought. I found it was usually very easy, in any case, to get yourself out of a building or room or, in my case, a house. The problem was getting back in. Something I hadn't thought about.

So, there I stood, freezing my backside off with my arms folded across my chest, looking up at the open window to my bedroom, figuring out how the hell I would get back up there. Of course, I wasn't the only one to blame in that situation. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been in that mess. 

I thought that the only time I would ever sneak out of the house in the middle of the night would be for Alison. Just that one time, never to be repeated. Well, it turns out, I'd sneak out of the house for either of the Dilaurentis kids.

Three years ago, when Alison was having her break down over one of her brothers friends, Ian, I had said that the only way to get over a guy was to either eat cookie dough and watch a horror film or get with another guy. Alison chose the second, what with Alison being Alison. That meant that half an hour later; we were walking down the street at 12:45, towards the Kahn's house.

I knew how stupid the idea was. Ian was a friend of Eric Kahn, so naturally, he would be there and, considering the reason as to why Ali was crying, he would be there with his actual girlfriend, Melissa. As fate would have it, they were the first two people we saw.

Ali stormed off into the party, muttering something about how she was going to get him back for dumping her. My argument was that she wasn't technically dumped as Ian was cheating on Melissa with her, but you didn't say something like that to Alison. Unless you wanted to be buried alive and never found.

I watched her grab a bottle of what I hoped was water from a random party guest before asking a group of guys if they wanted to play truth or dare. I leant against the wall and simply watched, making sure she wasn't going to do anything stupid like getting drunk or trying to find Ian to rip off his crown jewels. Though I would have probably let her do one of those things more than the other.

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