Jeremy - Training

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Imagine training with Jeremy


'Run faster, you idiot!' Jeremy shouted behind him as he leapt over a large log.

'Don't you think I'm trying?!' I shouted back as I ran around the log instead. 'I don't think you realize,' I panted. 'How hard running through a forest is when you have short legs!'

'A good tip would be to not talk!'

I rolled my eyes as I pumped my arms harder and faster, dodging trees that were God knows how many feet high as well as large roots that almost appeared to be reaching out for us.

'Wait,' Jeremy hissed as he stopped suddenly, making me run into his stone hard body but not hard enough to make him fall over. I tried to slow my panting but my heart was racing too fast. I leant my hands on my knees as I leaned forward, trying to catch my breath.

'What is it?' I asked, the silence of the forest making my voice as though I was speaking through a megaphone.

'Shh!' Jeremy hissed as he began to turn, scanning the forest with his crossbow ready.

I felt my heart stop as I slowly stood up, watching Jeremy with my peripheral as I, too, scanned the forest. 'I don't understand. What is it?'

The sound of a twig snapping nearby made Jeremy whip round in the direction of the sound; his finger still on the trigger. Instantly, he turned round to face me with worried eyes, causing my heart to jump. He pushed me backwards so that my back was firmly against the trunk of a tree. 'What are you-'

He smacked his hand on my lips, moving himself so that his entire body was up against mine. 'I know it's hard but just...hush for a minute,' he breathed as he looked deep into my eyes; his face only a few inches away from mine. As we waited in silence, neither of us moved. We just stared at each other. One of Jeremy's hands were on my lips whilst the other holding the crossbow against my waist, keeping me there.

I felt my heart rate increase to what felt like triple the speed it was going when we were running. He slowly moved his hand from my lips, gently brushing my cheek as he brought it down to the other side of my waist, still pinning me against the tree. I felt his warm breath brush against my lips causing me to break out of the trance and look behind him. 'How are you going to see any oncoming vampires if you're looking at me?' I whispered, checking the area before returning my glance to him.

Jeremy's eyes crinkled at the edges as he smirked. 'I'm watching the bait who's watching my back.'

'Oh, so now I'm bait?' I breathed, feeling a smirk creeping up onto my lips. 'And here I thought I was your friend who you were looking after as we got chased by vamps,' I said with a grin.

'Well, maybe you're both,' he whispered with a grin. My heart jumped as I watched his eyes flicker from mine to my lips.

'And if I don't want to be both?' I whispered, trying to keep my breathing even.

'Then we'll have to figure out something else for you to do,' he muttered, leaning in ever so slightly.

'I don't think anything can beat being chased by a vampire,' I laughed, suddenly feeling incredibly nervous.

'Eh, I don't know,' he shrugged; his grin still in place. He leant into my ear causing me to shiver involuntarily but not out of fear. 'I can think of a few things,' he whispered. I felt his fingers rub over my top causing me to shiver again.

'Now, don't hold me to this, because I'm not one of the five,' came a voice from behind Jeremy. My eyes snapped open as Jeremy gave an exasperated sigh, leaning his head on my shoulder. Slowly, he turned round to glare at Damon who was standing a few feet away with a giant grin on his face. 'But, I don't think you're going to catch a vamp with your tongue down a girls throat.' At his words, he tilted his head so that he could see me, giving me a brief wink before returning his stare to Jeremy.

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