Enticed - Chapter 4

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Warning: An R-18 AU fan fiction.

Please proceed with caution.


"You seem exhausted, Mafu,"

I broke out of the daze I was in and turned my head around to look at the raccoon who was a lot smaller than I was. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his big, round fluffy tail flapped once to show his dissatisfaction. He glanced at me lazily through his lidded, emerald eyes and sighed before he bent down to carry the crates of vegetables at my feet.

"I'll do it, Ura-san," I quickly went over to snatch the crate out of his hands. The weight of the crate made me lean backwards a little, causing a sharp pain at my waist and hips. Pain flashed on my face and disappeared as quickly as it came before anyone could notice it.

"You don't look so good," Urata-san said in a bored tone but ever since I helped run errands for him, I came to know that he actually expresses his feelings in a different way. To simply put it, he was just an awkward raccoon.

"I'm fine, Ura-san. Rather than that, are these all for today?" I dismissed his worries and changed the topic almost immediately, not wanting to worry him. I loaded the crates onto the wagon behind me, feeling relieved now that the weight was not on my hips anymore.

"Yeah, that would be all for now," he said only after he had read through his long list carefully, his eyes darted left and right as they trailed along the words. He then rolled the parchment up before sticking it into his pocket. "Once we're done loading these crates, we can move the wagon to the townsquare,"

Urata-san actually resided outside of town with his friends where they would look after the vegetation farm together. They'd usually get me to help them with harvests or even for matters like transporting their products to town, just like what we were doing right now. Though their farm was located in the outskirts, it wasn't exactly too far away from town. Pulling a wagon filled with goods would only take a couple of hours.

I huffed out my breath after all the crates were loaded in. My hips got a lot sorer than it was and I groaned quietly in pain as I gave it a little rub. I could feel Urata-san's stare on me with squinted eyes, which I then swiftly moved my hands away from my hips and walked up to the front of the wagon. Despite being a raccoon, Urata-san had pretty sharp intuition.

He didn't say anything to my strange behaviour and instead, came to the front of the wagon with me before we started pushing the handle together, moving the wagon along the path. I started coming up with small conversations with him, as I would always do, and he would nod his head to all the things that had happened to me during the time we didn't meet. Doing this allowed me to take my mind away from the pain in my back.

"Hey, Mafu," I was in the middle of telling him about Amatsuki-kun until he cut me off suddenly.

"Yeah?" I responded while looking up ahead of us, my eyes on the path.

"Did you find yourself another man last night?" he asked.

I stopped pushing the wagon when my brain tried to digest his question. He exclaimed that I shouldn't stop all of a sudden because it'd be dangerous if the wagon wasn't able to stop behind us due to the initial momentum we had. When he saw how I reacted upon hearing his question, he let out an exasperated sigh and we started pushing the wagon again.

"Was it that obvious?" I fumbled with my words.

"Well, you were always the type to look extremely tired after such night activities, and I would usually not bother asking because I knew what was going on," he answered reluctantly. "But it was never to this extent,"

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