Enticed - Chapter 5

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Warning: An R-18 AU fan fiction.

Please proceed with caution.


'Are you not going to kiss me goodbye?'

I remembered him saying that when he was about to leave after he got dressed. I was lying on the bed back then, watching him drape his cloak over his broad shoulders, still exhausted and out of breath after the intense activities we had. He bent down so that his face was inches away from mine, waiting for me to kiss him. I closed my eyes instead out of annoyance, not having the energy to argue with him.

Did he really think he could take advantage of me when I was in that state?

'I see. Then I'll see you when I see you,' he chuckled and when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

While it was true that I attended the banquet in hopes to approach the king again, I wasn't sure what was the next step now that he was actually right before my eyes. I clutched onto the poison vial that I had in my pocket.

When exactly would be the right time for me to use this?

"Are you going to come to me, or should I come to you?" Soraru-san tapped his finger lightly on the railing as he tilted his head to the side.

"Greetings to the moon of beasts," I bowed before him. It was the first time I had given him a proper greeting. He seemed dissatisfied with the way I addressed him, but I pretended to not notice it. "I deeply apologise for intruding on you. I didn't think your Majesty will be here when I only came out to get some fresh air,"

The king was silent and I raised my head to look at him out of curiosity. The atmosphere around us was stiff when I looked at his eyes, it was as if a switch inside him was flipped and it made me realise he wasn't the same wolf I encountered that night. I lowered my head again, feeling the pressure of his gaze on me.

"Come to me," he simply said. His quiet voice pierced through the cold air around us, making the temperature drop drastically. I shivered, unsure whether it was due to fear or the temperature. I hoped it was the latter.

"Your Majesty-" I started, not wanting to go as I suddenly remembered what Urata's brother asked of me. I lifted my head again, and this time he already had his back towards me.

"Don't make me repeat myself," he said and went back inside.

I stood at where I was, the uncertainty in me was starting to feel very overwhelming. How was I supposed to get in there in the first place? The only way for me to go to him would probably be through the ballroom... But that would catch a lot of unnecessary attention from the wicked nobles who absolutely adored spreading rumors.

Should I climb up there? It wasn't that hard, if I think about it. It wasn't necessarily the safest way, but definitely the fastest and less troublesome way to do it. Though I was a bunny, my attributes were more of a cat after all.

I pulled at my sleeves and pants, making sure that I wouldn't stretch it out too much. I bent my back and placed my hands on the grass before lowering my hips to the ground, letting my bottom sit on one ankle. I took a deep breath and pushed myself forward, up against the wall. With one foot, I kicked against it and swung my body towards the railings of the balcony and climbed over it.

It had been a while since I had climbed up a height like this so I was nervous but I let out a sigh of relief that I didn't fall from the attempt. The balcony door was made out of paned glass, and through it, I could see him standing in the middle of the room with his cape off his shoulders now. A bead of sweat broke out of my forehead and I swallowed a gulp before I opened the door and walked in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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