A sick day with Soraru-san (One-shot)

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Warning: A one-shot (as stated on the title). Fluff? (I don't know)


There was an After the Rain meeting this afternoon at a café near Shibuya later today. It was quite important so I excused myself from my current meeting a few minutes earlier so that I wouldn't be late for the next. Mind you, it was only because it was important so I left early, okay? It was not because it's been a long time since I met Soraru-san, okay? I said it was a long time but it had only been three days, but let's not mind the details, shall we?

I wore my best shirt and pants, and even put on my favourite boots too before I went out in the morning. No, it was not so I could look good for Soraru-san, it was for my sake. I stood in front of a window that displayed the items they had available in the shop, but I wasn't actually looking at them at all. I stared at my reflection as I fixed my bangs up a little, combing them to the side but then combing them back down to cover my forehead again.

I frowned.

Maybe it was time to go get a haircut again.

I frowned again.

Soraru-san went to the one I frequent, but didn't ask me to go together with him. He could have asked but he didn't. Why did Luz and the others get to go while I don't? I pouted at the thought and decided to leave those questions at the back of my head. Soraru-san might start questioning me when he sees my face all scrunched up like this.

I looked at the time on my phone, and kept it away before I walked towards the café we were supposed to meet up at. I hummed happily and was sure that people could definitely see me smiling from behind my mask. It couldn't be helped. After all, I was to meet up with Soraru-san in only a few more minutes.

Or so I thought.


"Soraru's currently sick and is resting at the moment," said Info-san as he rummaged through his bag to retrieve the documents needed for the meeting, placing it one by one on the table in front of us. He glanced up to look at me apologetically before going back to looking for his papers. "I'm sorry, even though you were looking forward to seeing him today,"

"No, no, no! Please don't say that, Info-san!" I shook my head at him quickly. Was I that obvious? I really shouldn't be looking visibly down like this. That wouldn't be nice to Info-san at all. "You even went out of your way to come over for the meeting! I should be the one apologizing!"

Info-san smiled again.

"Soraru said he didn't want to hold you back on work so he had me come," he said. He put out the papers before me, showing me the highlighted parts that I supposed we were going to discuss about today. "He read everything and highlighted them so that you could refer to them easily. Don't worry. He's briefed me through the important ones yesterday so I think we shouldn't have a problem,"

"Soraru-san shouldn't have... Work could always wait," I said, feeling my heart sink a little when I learnt that Soraru-san was sick since yesterday.

"Even so," Info-san gave me a troubled smile. "He just wouldn't listen,"

"... I'm sure he's given you a lot of trouble,"

"Oh no, it is the least I could do,"


We quickly discussed everything within an hour, and Info-san pressed the bell for the waitress to come with the bill.

"You should leave, Mafumafu-san," Info-san fished his wallet out of his pocket. "You have something you need to do, right?"

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