I Already Have You - Chapter 1

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It had been a long time since the both of them decided to go somewhere together.

Soraru grabbed his coat from the coat hanger, not forgetting to take the mask left on the table, he went out of his house. He tucked his hands in his coat's pocket as his gloves just got ruined a few days ago. People would think that Soraru was rushing to a date due to him taking really long strides, as if he was really looking forward to that date, not that he is.

Okay, maybe he was.

But that was only because it had been a while since they have met.

Soraru reached the place where the both of them decided to hang out at tonight. It was a ramen shop, the usual one that they go to. Soraru had not ate ramen for some time now so this was somewhat a pretty good timing to have some.

He slid open the door, lowered his head and went under the tiny curtains at the entrance. "Welcome!" the owner of the shop shouted from the inside of the kitchen. Soraru nodded at him politely and proceeded to glancing around the shop, looking for someone.


He heard someone call his name with a cute voice. Turning his head to the source of the voice, noticing that familiar blond hair, he finally found the person whom he was looking for.


Soraru walked towards her, pulling out a chair and sat across her. "It's been a while, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm fine but Soraru-san, aren't you smiling a little too much today? This isn't really like you," she said as she giggled, covering her mouth with her hands so that the people around them would not find her weird.

"Soraru-san is always like this. What do you even think of me?" Soraru replied. Well, he was indeed really happy to see her.

She suddenly changed from her mouth to covering her face. Soraru noticed that the tip of her ears were coloured with the colour red. "You do know that you're saying that out loud, right?" she peeked at him from the space in between her fingers, tilting her head to the side in a cute manner. Feeling the blood rush to his face, Soraru leaned on the table with his arms crossed and hid his face in them.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," he apologized, his voice muffled but loud enough for Lon to hear.

She giggled again. "Why not we order something to eat already?" she took the menu in her hands and started flipping through it. "And some beer while we're at it,"

"Oh, you're drinking today?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded, her eyes not moving away from the menu.

"Even though you reject my invitation for a drink every time?"

"Once in a while wouldn't hurt," she laughed, dismissing his statement by waving her hand at him. Lon then asked for the waiter to take their orders when he passed by their table. Soraru watched as she pointed at the items in the menu to the waiter, telling him how she wanted her food to be cooked and the waiter nodded at her every word.

Soraru did not do the ordering.

Only because Lon insists on choosing something for him every time they come to this place.

"What did you got for me this time?" he asked after Lon finished talking to the waiter.

"Salt ramen with seaweed toppings," Lon put the menu back down on the table, leaned her body forward on the table and placed her hands on top of it. Resting her head on her hand, she continued, "Was it not to your preference?"

Soraru shook his head, his lips curving into a smile. "If it's the food that you ordered, I'll definitely like them," he reached his hand out and patted Lon's head, giving her reassurance. She smiled at him.

"You better do!"


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