When I First Saw You - Chapter 1

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Warning: This is an AU fanfiction. ABO. (Long, introduction)

May contain contents that are not very healthy.

If you're fine with it then please enjoy!

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In the world of ABO dynamics, there are the Alphas, Betas, and the Omegas. But let us talk about only the Alphas and Omegas for now. In this society, Alphas are known to be of the highest ranks among the humans while Omegas are of the lowest of ranks. There was once a problem with the humans where they discriminated the Omegas, looking at them as if they were dirt but that was in the past. Humans now treat each other equally even if they were still being ranked.

And Mafu was born as an Omega.

Not many men wanted to be born as one because that just meant that they are born to be submissive towards the Alphas. Omegas are naturally weak and cannot protect themselves especially when they were in heat. An Omega in estrus emits a sweet scent that diffuses in the air and the wild Alphas would be able to smell them out easily. If the Alphas catch the Omegas, they are bound to be raped. This was why an Omega needs to look for an Alpha of its own and get imprinted, preventing the other Alphas from touching someone else's Omega. (Alphas know when an Omega belonged to another and would refrain from touching them. They are also extremely possessive, so they'd prefer to have an Omega who is not imprinted yet.)

But Mafu was never unsatisfied with his life even as an Omega. He did not see why he should. His parents gave him life, and he chose to cherish it. Sure, he might be in danger at all times because he does not have an Alpha by his side nor is he marked, but he had friends.

"Mafu-kun, have you taken your meds yet?"

Mafu, who was pressing on a dried piece of lavender rose to make a bookmark out of it, turned to the owner of the voice. "No, not yet,"

"Gee, Mafu-kun," Luz walked towards Mafu and handed him the correct dose of medicine he was supposed to take. "It's going to hurt a lot more when the time comes if you skip your meds, you know that!" scolded Luz, his brows furrowed together.

Mafu knew that he was only worried about him, but he over-exaggerates sometimes. Plus, there was still two more days before he goes into heat, so it should have been okay. "I was only busy with work. I'm not skipping my meds, Luz-kun," Mafu chuckled as he received the cup of water Luz passed to him.

"You know I'm worried about you,"

Mafu nodded, as he swallowed the pills and watered it down. "Yeah, thank you,"

Luz was an Alpha, the total opposite of Mafu. He looked extremely majestic like a prince on a dark horse. Not to mention, he had the looks that kills every heart of an Omega, and even Alphas. If you perhaps thought that Luz was Mafu's Alpha, please do not get the wrong idea. Luz actually belongs to Kain.

Normally, Alphas were not allowed to be near any other Omegas who were still not marked yet, but Mafu knew Luz was different. Luz was very loyal towards his Omega, and his eyes were always only on him, which was why Mafu let Luz approach him. But of course, it was impossible to let Luz come near him when he goes into heat. Even if it were Luz, it would be hard to keep himself from jumping on an Omega when an Omega begs for sex in front of him.

Then this was when Amatsuki comes in. If you didn't already know, Amatsuki was also an unmarked Omega just like Mafu. But to differentiate between the both, he was currently seeing someone, and Mafu could see that he would be marked any time soon. During times when Mafu goes into heat, Amatsuki comes and stay over at his place to take care of him. The both of them had their calendars marked on both of their 'days' for each month, so they know very well when to go over each other's houses.

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