Back at you! (One-shot)

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Warning: This is a short one for a certain fishcake boy's birthday. 

Happy birthday to those November babies out there!


Soraru put the book that he had been reading down on his lap. He looked up from it, and stared at the little ball, curled up in its blanket, sitting in front of the computer, its back towards him. Soraru had been hearing that little ball type away on its keyboard, and click on the mouse for hours now. He just looked longingly at the little ball for a while, until he decided to call out to him.


Mafu tore his gaze from his desktop screen, and took off his glasses before he turned to look at Soraru. He blinked a few times, looking exhausted. Soraru had the urge to just carry him into the bedroom, and tuck him under the blankets, or maybe they could just take a nap together. But he knew better than anyone the importance of handing in their work. preferably, before the deadline.

"What is it, Soraru-san?"

Soraru looked down at the book on his lap for a brief second then looked back up at Mafu.

"Let's make a rule,"

Soraru watched as Mafu tilted his head to the side in a questioning manner. Cute, he thought but now was not the time to be thinking about that. He sat up properly, and leaned forward, his elbows resting on both his knees, his book in his hands.

"What rule?" Mafu asked, not at all understanding the situation. He was just doing his work, and all of a sudden Soraru tells him that they were going to make a rule. On what exactly? They never made any rules in this house. They had split the chores and took turns to do them as if it was natural, so they never had that timetable thing on the wall that most people would have when they share houses.

Soraru opened his mouth.

"We can only kiss once a week,"


Kissing only once a week?

"What?! No!" Mafu exclaimed, immediately shooting the idea down.

"Let's make it on... Say, maybe Saturday so we can start from today,"

"Were you listening, Soraru-san?!"

There was no way they were only allowed to kiss once a week. Mafu couldn't bear to let this happen. Just look at him, he was working so hard, trying to finish all of his work just so he could spend some of that quality time together with Soraru. They could maybe go to the zoo, grab dinner on their way back home, or maybe they could just stay at home, cuddle all day, share some kisses from time to time, and go to bed together at night.

And kisses from Soraru were basically a reward for working hard.

But here he was, pausing with his work, turned to the man who called out his name, and listened to him say such absurd requests. And of all days, why Saturday?! Why not make it every day?!

"How on earth did you think up of something like that anyway, Soraru-san?"

Mafu watched Soraru looked down at his book for the second time today before he looked back into his eyes again. Soraru held the book in both of his hands, gripping it tightly then letting it go for the slightest second before he holds onto it again.

Soraru x MafumafuWhere stories live. Discover now