With You - Chapter 7

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Warning: This is an AU fanfiction!


He wanted to talk to him, but he was afraid he might say something insensitive. He wanted a place where he could just laugh without having to worry about anything, and that place was by Soraru's side but he was too afraid to go to him. Even so, he wanted to see him, oh, how badly he wanted to see him.

The days after he quitted the association were not easy. Luz definitely did all he could to make his life miserable. His men would come popping out of nowhere with daggers and knives, and they would be lunging at him all at the same time. It wasn't easy to be fighting against so many professional assassins, and each time he fought, the scars on his body increases.

Just when he thought that the occurrence of the sudden attacks were slowing down, Sakata came back home badly injured one day, blood pouring out of his wound excessively, and he told Mafumafu that he wasn't sure what happened but he was blinded by a sack over his head and was ambushed out of nowhere. Amatsuki quickly ran up to him and tended to his injuries, and Urata came running to their place to check up on Sakata almost immediately when he got hold of rumors about Sakata being attacked.

"... Mafu, I'm bringing him with me," said Urata as he stood by the bed, watching Sakata breathe heavily due to the pain as Amatsuki treated him. His knuckles were turning white because he clenching his fists a little too tightly, seeming extremely upset. His voice trembled as he apologised at Mafumafu, not daring to even look at him. "I'm sorry,"

Mafumafu only looked at Urata with eyes filled with despair. He didn't know what he could say. Apologise at the things that were already done on Sakata? Beg Urata to not take his friend away from him?

No, he knew it was best for Urata to take Sakata with him. He'd be safer in Urata's hands. It was his fault that Sakata was hurt so of course it would be better if he was away from him.

"... Please take care of Sakatan,"

"... I will,"

The night when Urata left with Sakata on his back, as much as Mafumafu would like to take his time to wonder about how Urata could carry him with such a small frame and find it amazing, he had better things to worry about. He turned to Amatsuki and told him to leave, but Amatsuki refused.

Mafumafu had enraged the wrong person, and he didn't want to see the people precious to him get hurt because of him. He convinced Amatsuki over and over again that night, but nothing changed.

"I'm not leaving you alone, Mafu-kun," Amatsuki said firmly, his eyes staring into Mafumafu's to show that he was serious about his decision and that he was not going to change his mind.

He was honestly happy when Amatsuki said that, but with his current situation, he couldn't have him stay. But he knew how stubborn his friend was.

"... At least let me do the errands for you," Mafumafu pleaded weakly. Amatsuki would be safer here at this place since no one knew where he lived. So if Mafumafu went on in his stead, he would be able to keep him safe. "I don't want anyone to get hurt anymore,"

Amatsuki hesitated, but nodded.

The next day when Mafumafu went on an errand for Amatsuki in the center of the slums, the market, he was caught by someone, and brought into a back alley, one where no one would possibly use.

He was thrown onto the ground by the man who caught him. He quickly got back onto his feet and kept his body low, and noticed who was standing in front of him with a lot of other men surrounding him.

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