Merry Christmas! - Christmas Special (One-shot)

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The sunlight crept in from under the curtains, into the room. It was already morning. Mafu opened his eyes and saw his favourite person still sleeping with one hand on Mafu's waist.

Being able to see your lover the moment you wake up is, I believe, everyone's dream.

Mafu moved slowly to him, being careful to not wake him up from his slumber. He reached his destination, in front of his chest, after a minute of effort. He looked up to check if he was disturbed by his actions but he was still sleeping soundly. Mafu then circled his arms around Soraru and hugged him for warmth, nuzzling his face into his shirt while he was at it.

"Ngh..." Maybe it was because it was ticklish, Soraru made a sound. Mafu felt guilty and faced up at Soraru.

"I'm sorry, Soraru-san. Did I wake you up?"

Soraru tugged Mafu closer to him. "... No, you did not," he breathed out slowly, satisfied when Mafu's entire body was stuck to his. "Good morning," he greeted and gently placed a chaste kiss on his lips. "Merry Christmas," Soraru said, he seemed to have difficulty in opening his eyes, it could not be blamed since he just woke up.

And yes, Christmas. It was Christmas today.


Mafu got out of bed first to use the washroom, letting Soraru sleep a little while more and then it was Soraru's turn. While waiting for Soraru to wash up, Mafu placed his clothes outside of the washroom for him to change in when he comes out and went into the living room to get his present.

"Oi, Mafumafu," he heard Soraru called his name after he came out of the washroom, sounding upset for some reasons.

"Is Soraru-san done with changing? Then please come into the living room!" Mafu said, excited.

He thought Soraru would not step out of the bedroom but he did. He had the reindeer headwear and nose that he left along with his clothes on, he was unhappy at the fact that Mafu forced these on him, making Mafu giggle. It might not be a bad thing if it meant he was able to see him laugh so happily.

"Merry Christmas, Soraru-san!" Mafu said, handing him the wrapped box he had in his hand.

Soraru received it and sat down on the floor while muttering his gratitude. He opened the box, wondering what was in it. "... Teddy bears?" To his surprise, there were three teddy bears in the box. Of all things Mafu could give him, he gave him teddy bears. He could have just give himself to Soraru. That would have been so much easier.

With one of his hands on his hips, Mafu pointed at the box. "This is just not any teddy bear!" Soraru looked back into the box, no matter how many times he looked at it, it still looked like a normal bear.

Mafu then got closer to Soraru, squatted down so they were on equal eye level, a gentle smile on his face. "This one is me," he said as he pointed at a white one with a ribbon around its neck. "This is you," he then pointed at a plain black one.

"And," he looked away from the box to Soraru when he said this. "This," he pointed at the smaller one which was seated in between the white and black one. "Is our child if we are going to adopt one in the future," He chuckled. "Are you surprised?"

He was. He was really surprised at the gift he got from Mafu. Soraru just stared at him, words refusing come out from his mouth.

"Thank you," he said, curving his lips to a nice angle, thinking that one day, the both of them would have a future like this was pleasant. "But you are still the best present I ever had in my life," Soraru clarified, wanting to put this out there.

Mafu had a weird face on, like he did not know whether he should smile or cry at that statement. "Back to you, Soraru-san!"

Merry Christmas!

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