Goodbye - Chapter 3

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Warning: This is an AU fanfiction (Sakura Tree x Boy).

If you're fine with it then please enjoy!

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I fell in love with you.


Ever since Mafumafu came by the park and met Soraru, he had been visiting him every day. Mafu never forgets to get something from the convenience shop for Soraru, be it a can of beer with some green peas to go with it, or some sakura dango. Of course, he never handed it into Soraru's hands directly before.

After Mafumafu came to talk to him for about an hour or so, he would stand up and leave. "Well then, goodbye, Soraru-san! I'll be coming by again tomorrow," He lifted his head to look at Soraru and wave at him. Without replying him, Soraru would look anywhere except at him.

That was when Mafu would place something under his tree.

Soraru would only look at him when Mafu had his back turned on him. He watched him go until he could not see his shadow anymore, he got down from the tree to retrieve Mafu's offering and then climbed back up again.

It was not like Soraru needed to eat or anything. He was a spirit and would always be but he somehow felt bad if he did not accept the boy's kindness. Today's item was a rice ball, but of course, by the looks of it, it was from a convenience shop. Soraru peeled the packaging slowly, putting them into the plastic bag to prevent littering, then took a bite out of the rice ball.

When Mafu talks, he would usually be eating as he did. Mafu had the same rice ball he gave him today and ate it with a face full of satisfaction, making the rice ball look even more delicious than it was. But in actual fact, the rice ball was cold and hard, there was only very little filling in it, and the seaweed tasted funny.

Even so, Soraru finished it, licking some rice off his fingers, not missing anything at all.

He wondered how Mafu eats so happily with only something like this. But he guessed this was one of the reasons why he liked him anyway.

He liked him? Him? That Mafumafu? Not to mention, what was with the 'one of the reasons'? Did Mafu have so many reasons for him to like about?

Soraru paused at that thought, thinking hard on it. Cherry blossom spirits were not supposed to fall in love. The Spirit King himself said so.


"We spirits are in love with the nature, and so we try to protect," the Spirit King said as he gave a grand speech when Soraru met him at the throne room with all the other spirits. There were a lot of new spirits ready to go work for the Spirit King, swearing loyalty to him. There were the spirits of maple trees, pine trees, oak trees, and they all come in a group. Soraru was the only cherry blossom spirit.

They all had their heads down and got down on their knees to show respect to the King, only looking up when the King tells them to.

That was a few hundred years back, before he first made his appearance on Earth, before he first sat on his very first cherry blossom tree.

After all the other spirits left the throne room that day, the Spirit King told Soraru to stay back and talked to him one-on-one. "Soraru, you have to remember this. You, as a cherry blossom spirit must not fall in love with a human," he said, petting Soraru's hair lovingly, as if he was his very own son.

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