Four years together with Soraru-san (One-shot)

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Warning: This is for the boy who has shown a lot of people the different kinds of perspective in life. 

Contains relatively unhealthy content.

Happy birthday, Mafumafu.


It was the 18th of October, currently the 27th time I welcomed my birthday whether I liked it or not. But I had come to rather like it these recent years. Family and friends were there to celebrate it with me even though they really shouldn't have, and things like these were happening to me because of a special someone.

This was the fourth year I had welcomed it with Soraru-san.

"Happy birthday, Mafu-kun!" said Amatsuki-kun excitedly as he pulled at the confetti popper but accidentally broke it by pulling the string back too hard, causing it to crumble in his hands.

"Happy birthday," Kashitarou-san said with a striking smile on his face when he opened the door for me. He turned back to look at Amatsuki-kun when he didn't hear the loud 'pop' sound that they were all expecting, and quickly went up to him to fix it.

I watched as the both of them worked frantically on it, frowns on their faces. Amatsuki-kun scolded Kashitarou-san for buying broken confetti poppers, and Kashitarou-san got flicked at the forehead before he apologised. It was hilarious watching them bicker like this, and it warmed my heart up when I thought about how they did all this for me, even though it was just a simple and clumsy surprise like this.

"What are you doing, Kashitarou?"

My heart skipped a beat when I heard that voice. I froze in place, and Soraru-san placed his hand on the back of my head, and petted me gently before he stopped and moved it down to my lower back. He frowned at the sight of the two of them holding onto one confetti popper.

"... Do you need two people for that?"

"I can explain, Soraru-san!" cried Kashitarou-san as he shook his head at Soraru-san.

Soraru-san let out an exasperated sigh, and put something at the top of my head. I lifted my eyes to look up at the object, and then at him because I couldn't make out what it was. He let go off the object, and I raised my hand up to catch it before it falls. It was a party hat. I looked at him again, and he turned away from me, walking towards our friends instead.

I smiled as I stared at the hat before putting it back on. Kashitarou-san and Amatsuki-kun went in, leaving Soraru-san with me at the door entrance into Amatsuki-kun's apartment room. Soraru-san placed his hand on the back of his neck, giving it a light rub before he awkwardly put out a hand at me. I stared at the bracelet on his wrist that was a matching one with mine, and let a smile spread across my face again.

Soraru-san seemed embarrassed, and he'd always put this upset look on his face to cover it up. He walked towards me, frowned and positioned his finger over my forehead before flicking it. I jumped back, holding onto my forehead.

"What was that for?!"

He stuck out a tongue at me.

"Happy birthday,"

"You-!" I lifted a hand at him, all ready to hit him on the shoulder, but I couldn't when he snuck a kiss on my lips, stopping me from talking. It was short, gentle and quick, just a quick suck on my lower lip before he broke the kiss, and took one step away from me.

I put up both my hands and covered my face with my excessively long sleeves, just enough to let my eyes peek over them. I glared at Soraru-san because I was sure that my face was too red to be seen by other people. He only smiled boyishly at me, his facial expression showed how satisfied he was with my reaction from that one little kiss.

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