To The Thirty Year Old You (One-shot)

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Warning: Short. An AU.

To my favourite person on earth.

Happy birthday, Soraru-san.


I sat at my seat that was near the opened window, feeling the cold breeze against my face, blowing my hair back. It was not winter yet, but the wind sure was colder than usual. I put my book up in front of my face, just right below my eyes, and peeked behind it.

There stood a striking male teacher by the blackboard at the front of the room, trailing his chalk on it as he wrote down the focus point of the lesson today. He had his textbook in one hand, and pointed at the board with the other, diligently explaining to the students before he stopped and asked if everyone was able to keep up. He had a pair of glasses on today, and it made my heart run like a wild wind because I never usually get to see him like this.

He lifted his eyes from the textbook, and met mine behind his glasses. I instantly lowered my head and hid my face behind my book once again. It was really brief, but we indeed made eye contact. I could feel my face burning intensely as I tried to calm down. He continued reading a passage off of the textbook as if nothing happened, but I could hear him coming closer.

It was too late when I realised it, because he was already by my seat.

"To see the world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wildflower," he read a poem loudly for the students in the room to hear, and paused before he reached for the window handle, pulling it in as he continued. "Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour,"

He shut the window closed. There was no longer cold wind blowing in. I frowned as I guessed his intention. Without looking at me, he turned away and said to the class that he wanted us to figure out what this meant and we would discuss it again in the next lesson. He placed his hand behind his back and on my table. I stared at it, wondering if anyone would notice.

I buried my face deeper into my book. With my hand trembling, I let only the tip of my finger brush against the fabric of the sleeves of his coat.

The way warmth started filling my chest only from this proved that I was but a naïve, immature child.


The bell rang, and school was over. Everyone around me stood up from their seats, and noises filled the air of the classroom as they went up to their friends and started talking about their after school plans. I lowered my head, careful not to gain anyone's attention as I placed my belongings into my bag.

"Ah, Soraru-sensei!" called out a female student whose name I didn't know even though she was in the same class as I was.

I flinched at reflex when I heard his name. My heart was beating loudly against my chest.

The group of girls flocked around Soraru-sensei, and held his arms around theirs. I frowned and looked away. I was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable, but I didn't want to leave the classroom yet either.

"Soraru-sensei, would you like to join us today?" asked a girl with her voice irritably cute and sweet, a voice I could never ever make.

"We're going to this new café that was opened not long ago!" said another girl. "They're well known for the variety of their pancakes!"

"Again?" said Soraru-sensei in an annoyed tone. "Instead of going out like this after school, I'd prefer you study for your upcoming exams,"

"You always say that, Soraru-sensei! Come on, just this once!"

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