When I First Saw You - Chapter 10

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Warning: This is an AU fanfiction. ABO. (Long)

May contain contents that are not very healthy.

If you're fine with it then please enjoy!

(First attempt)

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Soraru's hands roamed around Mafu's body; going around his chest, down at his thighs, and then back up again around his waist. Every touch from Soraru burned with intensity on Mafu's skin, and oh, how was he supposed to describe how good it felt. Suddenly feeling the sharp cold of the night, Mafu realized that his clothes weren't even there anymore.

"Don't look..." not even having his body seen by anyone in his life (excluding the time when he was but a child), Mafu attempted to cover his body with the blankets around him. "... I'm too ugly to look at,"

"Don't," Soraru said, tearing the blankets away, once again exposing Mafu's body to him. Soraru ran his hands over the scars that were on Mafu's thighs, tracing each and every one of them with his fingers lovingly. "You're beautiful,"

It was a very short and simple compliment. Call Mafu easy, but at that moment, he truly believed Soraru's words for that.

"... How did you get them?"

Other than the people who were at the scene that day, Mafu had never spoken of this to anyone nor did anyone know that his body was imperfect. It was when the chief tried to force on him, and Mafu refused to spread his legs open for him.

"He picked up a whip and whacked me with it to force me to open up for him, except I didn't, and the scars were the results of it. I honestly thought that I would throw up when I talk about this," Mafu smiled when Soraru's brows came together, forming wrinkles in between them. Mafu reached out to smooth them out, not wanting him to frown, and get upset about his past. "Is it probably because I met you?" he wondered out loud.

Soraru said nothing, and covered his body with his, sharing his body warmth with Mafu. He was kissing Mafu so passionately, there wasn't any way Mafu couldn't feel the frustration in it. As he thought of something, he tried pushing Soraru away but failed as Soraru kept leaning forward to bite his lower lip, causing him to writhe beneath him, wanting more.

"I'm surprised you had such composure to think of something else," Soraru said after he stopped kissing him, proceeding instead to nibble on his earlobe.

"Hyah..?! N-no...!"

Soraru pulled back, grinning rakishly down at Mafu as if he just found out something good. Leaning back in again, Soraru pressed his lips at his ear. His breath was so hot. Let him correct this, everything he does to him was hot, and Mafu enjoyed every moment of it. "There's so much more we're going to do later that are even more intense than this, Mafu,"

Feeling him lick his earlobe, Mafu covered his mouth to stifle a moan from coming out of it. "It's not fair..."

"What is?"

"I want to see Soraru-san, too,"

Soraru stared at him, and the only movement on his face was him widening his eyes. Before Mafu could react, Soraru crashed his lips on Mafu's, and sucked tenderly on his tongue, only breaking the kiss when he needed to; like when he needed to take his shirt off. Mafu observed every movement of Soraru's as he threw his shirt on the ground, finally able to see the lines of his body. Looking at himself, then at Soraru, he realized how different their bodies look like; his was tiny and weak, as if he could be easily broken while Soraru's looked lean and slightly muscular, strong and steady.

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