For You - Chapter 4

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"Thank you, please come again!" one of the employees said as Mafu stepped out of the café. Amatsuki walked out after him, slipping his wallet back into his pocket.

He still thought that going to Soraru would be a bad idea. What if Soraru had a disgusted face on when he sees him?

He felt someone pat him on the back. He turned to look at Amatsuki.

"If things were not going that well after seeing him, you can come over my house and stay for as long as you like," he said, his tone so gentle Mafu thought he was about to cry again. "My mom would be happy to see you after so long,"

"So go and talk to him, okay?"

"... Even if he told me that he doesn't love me anymore?"

"Those are what he's saying on the surface, but I believe that it's different deep inside of him," he moved his hand from Mafu's back to ruffle his hair. "Don't you believe in Soraru-san?"

Even after Amatsuki said all of that, Mafu still hesitated. Amatsuki was called by his mother to get something from the convenience store and left. He was now walking alone, not knowing where he was headed to. He just felt that he needed to do something to avoid thinking too deeply into things. He sighed, his breath formed swells of mist in the air.

After walking for a long time, something seemed familiar around his surroundings. He suddenly had the urge to run back to Amatsuki but he knew things would not improve if he did. It was the apartment where they both lived in together. It was just a simple two-floored apartment with cheap rent and small rooms but it was enough for the both of them. The time they spent together was what mattered to them back then. It still is for Mafu, he wanted the relationship to stay strong as bad as he loved his job, anime, seiyuu.

He loved Soraru.

But he guessed that it did not really matter to Soraru, being able to talk about the break up that easily. 

Mafu lifted his head and climbed up the stairs as he fished the apartment key out of his pocket. He thought that he should at least go in and see how he would feel about things. Plus, there was no way Soraru would be at home at a time like this anyway, he should be out with- No, Mafu did not want to think about who Soraru is with right now.

He unlocked the lock and pushed the door open, only to find another pair of shoes at the doorstep. Not just any pair of shoes, they were ones that he would always see when that person was at home. Before Mafu could turn to exit, he heard heavy footsteps getting closer to the entrance hallway. There stood Soraru. Looking at him, eyes widened as if he was not expecting to see him here now.

Even though Soraru was definitely not the person who would like to see right now, he bobbed his head slightly in a polite gesture. "Soraru-san..." he called, his voice weak, broken. It felt like something was caught in his throat, he tried swallowing his saliva but it was still there.

Soraru stared at him for a moment, he looked troubled. Could it be that he brought someone else here? At their apartment?

"What are you doing here?" Mafu decided to ask him rather than having to  think up weird possibilities which would probably break his heart.

Soraru put his hand into his pocket, scratching the back of his head. "I... came here to take what I needed,"

So was this really it? He came back to take his belongings, that would mean that he could not stand Mafu anymore and wanted to move out so that he did not have to see him every day anymore, right?

Are they really going to let things end here?

"I'm done with the packing, you can continue living here without worrying about me," Soraru walked back into the room and got his bag. Mafu did not move an inch from the door, he did not dare. "I'll still pay half of the rent like we promised back then," he said as he walked up to Mafu, his palm on the doorknob.

"Take care, okay?" was what he said, making it sound like they were not going to meet again. As Soraru was about to open the door, Mafu held him back by hugging him from behind, his arms circling his waist, burying his face into Soraru's thick clothing.

"... Don't go," said Mafu with a hoarse voice, sniffling. "I don't want to break up, Soraru-san," his arms tightened around him as he said those words to Soraru.

Please don't leave me.

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