I'm One Lucky Man (One-shot)

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There was something wrong about Soraru. But he never told anyone about it.

Not even Mafumafu.

As each day passed, he knew he didn't have much time left. As an utaite, he records, mixes songs, and uploads them on the Internet. He gained a bit of fame, and what comes after fame is hate, and that never stopped him from being an utaite. But what was the use if he couldn't sing anymore?

It started out like a normal sore throat, and he didn't think of it as a really serious matter to consider, so he just took in some lozenges and antibiotics to soothe it. Though even after days had passed, his throat still hurt, and yet he still refused to look for professional help. And now he could barely hear himself.

Soraru might have brought it to himself, but who would have thought that a normal sore throat could be so deadly at that time? He always thought to himself, that if he went straight to the hospital the first day he got that sore throat, maybe, just maybe then he could help prevent things like these from happening. He didn't mind if he lost his career in life.

Because Soraru was more worried about him.

"Soraru-san, why are you so quiet?"

Soraru glanced over at him then looked back at his book almost immediately. Mafumafu came again today, but he didn't know what to say to him. Was that how it is though? He knew that it wasn't because if he had to correct himself, he couldn't.

When he knew about his sickness, he couldn't feel anything at all. Tears wouldn't fall from his eyes, and neither did he have negative thoughts about himself. All he had in mind after coming back from the hospital that day was "What would happen to Mafumafu?"

"Come to think of it, you weren't uploading at all recently. Is something a matter?"

Soraru only shook his head in response.

"Hey, Soraru-san, why wouldn't you talk to me?"

He always thought that he should at least tell him about his condition but he was afraid, afraid to see how Mafu would react to his announcement.

"Hey... Are you really okay...?"

No, he was not. He wanted to hug Mafu tight, and tell him the truth. Could he do it? There was only one way to find out. Soraru pulled Mafu to him, and then slowly pushed him down onto the couch. He heard Mafu yelp a little, it couldn't be helped since he would be surprised at this situation as well. Within only a matter of seconds, he felt Mafu wrap his arms around him.

"What is it with you lately, Soraru-san?" Mafu let out a chuckle. He kissed Soraru on the cheeks and then rubbed his face into Soraru's neck. Soraru only wished this moment could go on forever, but he knew it couldn't. Nothing seemed possible to him right now.

He pushed himself up a little so that he could see Mafu's face. Mafu was looking up at him with a tiny, shy smile on his face. And Soraru hated to break it to him, but he had to. His friend, companion, one-and-only lover, deserved to know everything. He took in a quick, sharp breath, and opened his mouth. He didn't have the confidence if he could still speak but all he could do was try.

"Mafu, I don't have much time left," It came out weak and hoarse, but audible. Soraru smiled wryly at Mafu, not wanting him to worry. So this was what became of his voice. He caressed Mafu's cheeks lovingly, letting out a sigh.

"Wh-What do you mean you don't have much time left? It's not April Fools, is it?" Mafu quickly picked up his phone to check the date. No, it wasn't the 1st of April. Once again, Soraru shook his head at him. He picked up Mafu's hand, and kissed the back of it gently.

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